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ok, this is what i gathered so far

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  • ok, this is what i gathered so far

    i posted the "new cycle-need opinions" and so far this is what i got.
    1. dont take the fina or prop
    2. eq instead of deca
    3. 2-1 ratio- 800mg cyp, 400mg deca
    4. drop cyp to 600mg
    6. keep the fina
    can anyone set a newbie straight on this mass cycle???
    Last edited by tierhoggg; 12-23-03, 07:28 PM.

  • #2
    Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one.

    There is no one correct cycle. If there was the board would only need one thread.

    You ask a question, people give you their opinion (or opinions).

    I could draw up 15 different cycles that would give you great gains. None of them would be perfect in everyones mind. And there would always be a way that someone else might tweak it.


    • #3
      that is true. it just makes it hard to concider them when they are so broad.


      • #4
        Use either enanthate, or cypionate at about 400-500mgs a week, for about 10 weeks. See how your body responds to the introduction of test alone, if you gain well from that, then begin to mix things up.

        2:1 ratio is more myth than fact, the body can function fine with the addition of only 250mgs, or actually no test at all depending on the indiviual.

        Fina and prop, require daily injections, get used to injecting once or twice a week in the glutes, and as time goes on prepare yourself to have to use different body parts, shoulders, quads and so on

        Finally, if you feel as though you would want to do what is considered the newbie cycle, it would a combination of Test, Deca, and Dianabol

        Test and deca would be run for 10 weeks- 500 test-300 deca
        Dbol for the first 4 weeks- 25mgs ed, spacing the dosing aout every 4 hrs

        3 weeks after your last injection you would start using clomid or novladex, for 21 days, thats your post cycle therapy

        People say eq over deca, as most expierence the negative sides of deca, which in most cases is difficult in achieving and mainiting erection or complet loss of libido, fina will do this to you as well

        First time out keep it simple, and dont go reading to deep into a bunch of shit, you'll only get more confused, as time goes on, keep looking into these things, and understand them inside and out before attempting to use


        • #5
          i like deca personally i get alot more mass than when i use eq. i agree with everything doom said. and the 2 to 1 ratio thing i think you should base your cycle on test so you will use more than any other drug but i dont see a prob with 500mg of enth and 400mg of deca or eq in a cycle.


          • #6
            i also agree with you guys but the only thing is that i have used both and since going with the fina eq ent stack i will never go with the deca again because as i grew i melted body fat away as well it was awsome. i went from 209 to 245 in just over 10 wks

