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drol & prostate problems

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  • drol & prostate problems

    hey ppl

    got a question for a buddy

    he wants to start drol or anavar cycle
    he heard somewhere that drol is really bad for the prostate and wants to know any details the collective might know

    i can`t remember wich one it was so if its not drol that is the problem 1 then it is var he asked me a few days ago to post this question and totally forgot


  • #2
    i always take saw palmetto for a healthy prostate when useing 17aa roids like dbol.......never done drol though.


    • #3


      • #4
        Drol will screw your prostate up.It swole mine.I didnt use Saw Palmetto or PCT.Also i didnt get a full erection for 8 months and had urine dribble for 3 or 4.To be honest its been 2yrs. and im still not normal.


        • #5
          300mgs/ed of Saw Palmetto will help support your prostate and keep it from swelling and burning out. Also, beleive iot or not, Finasteride (Proscar) will also help support your prostate.

          PEACE! KIR


          • #6
            300mg/ed is that on cycle or year round. also will saw palmetto lower sex drive?i also heard on another board that SP will hinder gains and strength.what do you think KIR?
            Last edited by smallbutgrowin; 12-31-03, 04:34 PM.


            • #7
              Bro if you are over 33-35 I would jump on like 200-250mgs/ed of S.P. Just a good idea to help support the prostate. Anything to help us bruthas not get prostate cancer. LOL

              Here is a little info for ya. I do notice a slight decrease in my sex drive when going on Proscar (which is one of the side effects of it and definitely does effect me personally). But as for S.P..... here is what I dug up for ya. PEACE! KIR

              Saw palmetto, taken by capsule, is very protective of the prostate. It locks conversion of testosterone into di_drotestosterone (super testosterone), which can cause enlargement of the prostate. Large doses of saw palmetto have proven to improve libido, force of ejaculation and (some authors think) can cause the penis to enlarge.

