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HGH quickie

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  • HGH quickie

    Hey bro's.

    I adding HGH to my cycle and plan to stay onit for at least 6 mons. well into PCT and next cycle. Any advise on dosing. Rihgt now I am taking 12 iu 3days on 2 days off.
    Purpose is mainly some bf loss and replacement of decrease due to aging.

    Last edited by muscledoc; 12-30-03, 10:50 AM.

  • #2
    12 IU's per day. Thats a lot. What kind of G are you running. I have always used about 3.5IU's per day, w/ 5 days on, 2 off.

    Sounds like 2 much IMO.


    • #3
      Serona Somatropin


      • #4
        I agree with IMO..drop the dosage down ..I have been on
        for three months now and had to cut back from 4 IU per
        day to 2.5 IU because it was making my joints sore...feels
        better now...BAILEY


        • #5
          Start at 2 ius and see if that works for you. I started at 2ius and worked up to 4ius ED. At 4ius I was getting side effects, so I lowered the dose to 3ius ED.


          • #6
            The whole vial is 18 iu's. IF diluted with 100units of H20, 11 to 12 units would be the equivalent of 2 ius of GH. Do these numbers look right?


            • #7
              Yeah, that's about right. 100units added to 18iu gives you 1.8 iu per 10 units.


              • #8
                OK so I'll start out with 12 units ed and see what happens. Last time I did HGH I did 20 units ed and got wrist pains. Cant go much over 12-13 units without sides


                • #9
                  12 units ED would turn me into a frickin cripple. Most people looking for replacement levels don't go over 4iu/day with 2iu being the norm with good results I might add. I'm new to GH myself and have only recently started experimenting with it. 12iu seems to be over kill to me. Unless your getting ready for a comp I would cut down your dose and run the GH over a longer period. Hell, your doing a kit a week almost (84iu/wk). That's 20 kits in 6 months...excessive.
                  I would plan your CT surgery now.:D


                  • #10
                    Do you mean Serostim?


                    • #11
                      I corrected mysdelf. I am using 12 units not iu's. This comes to around 2iu's a day. After a few weeks I may up this to 3. Depends on sides.Thanks for your inputs guys. Appreciate it.


                      • #12

