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  • domestics

    Is there lots of domestic sources that try and set you up? Like its really the police? What would happen if you got caught with a vial or two of something domestically? Would they do a controlled delivery?

  • #2
    You never know what they will do.


    • #3
      Always do a source check and you'll have less of a chance of getting in trouble. As far as controlled delivery, you never know. I think it's a good idea to clean house when expecting a pack.


      • #4
        Always be careful, especially if you use a new supp. Clean house b4 and keep clean for a while..


        • #5
          Big Brother will do whatever he needs to.


          • #6
            hmmm..i dont know why dont you ask your captain and see what he says..


            • #7
              Re: domestics

              Originally posted by cockdiesel
              Is there lots of domestic sources that try and set you up? Like its really the police? What would happen if you got caught with a vial or two of something domestically? Would they do a controlled delivery?
              Steroids are Schedule III, depending on the state, it deteremines the penalty

              Second, Ive never heard of plocie officlais posing as sources to lure people in, I think you have the wrong idea


              • #8


                • #9
                  yeah but all in all doom that's definitely not to say that they have'nt or that they wouldn't


                  • #10
                    I said it once and I will say it again. VERY SIMPLE!!!!!

                    Purchase the book LEGAL MUSCLE. Not only will it tell you stories upon stories of real cases, but will also give you a state by state penatly for certain amounts caught with. You can easily find this book online. PEACE! KIR


                    • #11
                      Unless you just shit from the mouth when caught, at worst, a couple of vials will get you a few months in jail. Most of the time your looking at probation, a fine, and community service.


                      • #12
                        i have it sent to a po box....this mite b better


                        • #13
                          Hell Pro, my buddy got busted in Chicago with almost $20G's in gear and from the size of him said it was a year supply for himself. He went to court, they beleived him. He lost his gear of course, but got very minimal court fines and no jail time, and only a 2 year probation. A slap on the fuckn hand.

                          My other buddy last year got pinched with around $1500 worth in his truck. Cops took it, brought him to jail and gave him a $180 fine for the darts, no fine for the gear, and he ended up getting a 2 year probation also.

                          I just think it all depends where you live. The book Legal Muscle will show you each state and their own specific laws. PEACE! KIR


                          • #14
                            Legal Muscle is a definite good buy. It not only comes down to what state you live in, but how well educated your lawyer is, and how much you keep your mouth shut. If we all could have Rick Collins, there woudl be no worries. Unfortunately average Joe lawyer knows as much about steroids as the person who thinks they make your dick shrink, and that roid rage is a requirement when on cycle.

