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Sorry.another tren question

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  • Sorry.another tren question

    Hey bros.

    I'm sorry for another tren question but there are a few things I need to iron out. I've read most of the threads and the anabolics profiles and I'm no closer to an answer.

    I am close to finishing a cycle of 8weeks.

    250 Sus 2xwk
    100 primo 2xwk
    100 prop eod
    20 nolv
    50 proviron

    I just added in 2iu GH ed that I will run for 6 mos

    I've gotten good results with very few sides. Size and strength increase with little H20 retention. BP up a bit but not bad.

    PCT gear on hand.

    HCG eod 2wks
    then 50 clomid ed
    20 nolv ed

    First question is for my next cycle do I go for another growth cycle or will a cycle that goes for hardness be better.

    If I go for hardness I want to do:

    cyp or prop eod
    300 primo
    Question is at this level is tren 75mg ed appropriate for me or is there something better. I perfer to keep it simple but get results

    Either way I'm planning on running this cycle 10-12 weeks

    Thanks in advance for your input.
    Last edited by muscledoc; 12-31-03, 04:40 PM.

  • #2
    Even though I consider myself somewhat advanced physique wise, 100mgs eod of tren does the trick for me. I have used up to 150mgs ed in the past, and alls I get is more sides.


    • #3
      IMO, 75mg/day or 150mg/eod would be appropriate for you. That is how I always run tren with great results. I agree with the above statement. Everytime I have ever run high doses of tren I just increase the sides without any increased gains.


      • #4
        I agree with Pro. I do like 100mgs/eod for most, but I've done a lot of fina in the past years and 75-100mgs/ed is a real nice amount. If this is the first time that you are going on Fina, then 100mgs/eod is a real nice amount. PEACE! KIR


        • #5
          I personally prefer 125mg a day...


          • #6
            Thanks for the info guys. Appreciate it.

            Happy New Year

