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I've got a problem ........

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  • I've got a problem ........

    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie with a problem.
    I've got a severe muscle imbalance in one leg from two bad accidents. My Hams and glutes are quite weak from being in a cast for 3 months 20 years ago. I've also got a shot PCL ligament which makes the joint really loose from another accident 6 months ago. The result is that my knee is too loose, weak, and unstable to do any hamstring curls. I can do isometrics but my knee is too unstable to do much more. I've been to 5 different orthopedics and there is no surgical procedure that will make my knee any better than it already is. Fortunately my quads are fine so I can still get around pretty well.
    I've been doing lots of pt for months but progress is hardly happening at all. If I could get my hams stronger, then my knee will be more stable, and I can then do some real hamstring exercises. I just can't get any progress with the hams - I'm simply stuck - and have been for a while.
    My Drs. won't even consider any "help" like steroids and say to keep at it with the PT and live with things the way they are.
    I'm not ready to give up like that.
    I know I'll have osteoarthritis and someday be shopping for a knee replacement, but I'm not done with this one yet.

    So, I'm looking for advice about what steroid, if any, you guys recommend. I'm training the leg like crazy but there is hardly any progress. An oral with minimal side effects and great strength retention would be ideal. I'd hopefully not need them too long

    Also, I'm 45, and lifted weights naturally for many many years and know how to train, but fell in love with cycling - so I'm not looking for bulk, just to rehab my knee.

    Sorry for the long post but I'm feeling up against the wall and need some help.

    thanks guys,
    Last edited by lumpy; 01-17-04, 09:00 PM.

  • #2
    Sounds very similar to my own predicament just a couple years ago. Except with me it was my back.

    Hang around for a month or two and read, read, read. Learn up on all this stuff before even considering putting any in your body.

    Most will agree with me when I say that the injectables are safer and have fewer sides than most of the orals except maybe anavar, which is ungodly expensive.

    I good first cycle would be maybe 500mg test enanthate or cypionate for 12 weeks. You could jump it off with 25mg dbol a day for the first 6 or 8 weeks if you wanted. Eat like you have never eaten before and keep a regular workout schedule and you will see progress.

    Make sure you get a good 300g protein a day. Split your calories into 5 or 6 meals a day. Your diet and training are really important for this to work like you want so get those in order first before diving into a cycle.

    You will gain 15 to 20 lbs off that cycle and probably keep 10 to 15lbs.


    • #3
      Back in 2001 right after Halloween I was in a car accident and broke my right femur, and dislocated my left hip. I was in a wheel chair for 3 months and crutches/used a cane for 3. It was horrible not being able to move. I was stuck, immobile, but now I'm fine. Just because PT seems to be taking forever doesn't mean it will never end. There's a reason for the slow methotical recovery. I don't feel that you considering ANY AS will benefit you in the long run. All I can say is to stick with the PT and don't give up. You say that you've trained for many years and know "how to train", then you also know that bodybuilding isn't an overnight thing. Don't try and speed up your recovery with drugs. By taking it slow you'll be doing your body a favor. Stay cool.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies guys! I appreciate it. I'm not sure I need to get into a full regimen of multiple AS's and put on a bunch of muscle. Honestly I think I'd be happy enough if my Drs. would prescribe some testosterone cream. That would be enough to make me feel modern medicine was there to help! Unfortunately I can't even get that! Will I need to get more serious with AS? - time will tell.
        I know taking my time will give the best results but the knee is so unstable, stairs are truly scary. Just getting the hams and glutes up to speed will increase the stability.
        I've been charting my gains - or lack of for a while now. Ya know those seated Cybex hamstring machines? I can't even put the pin in for my bad leg, yet easily move 5 plates with my good one. That hasn't changed in over 2 months. I'm stuck and that's why I'm here checking out my options.

        thanks again for the advice and keep it coming!



        • #5
          Because of the instability in your knee, you might want to look into a good quality knee brace for safety while working out. It would also give you some peace of mind...which might allow you to push through psycholigical barriers that could be holding you back in your training. As far as using some juice, I'd go with something highly anabolic like Deca or Equipoise...and not too much test...just because you don't want to get too strong too fast on a joint that has been inactive for quite some time. Good luck, and NEVER GIVE UP!!!


          • #6
            HItman has good advise...the tred mill is the best thing you can do ...and walking laps in a pool. you need to bulid the integrety of the knee before you really put weight to it hard .......

            things that help are B12 for tissue growth High protein diet.....Vitamin complete diet and steady consistent work


            • #7
              Thanks guys! You are all full of great advice!

              Walking more that a mile is a problem unfortunately. When my hams and glutes are stronger then I'll be able to walk with more comfort. Fortunately I can ride my bike so I do about 20-25 miles 4+ times a week plus all the exercises.
              The problem with the brace is that your muscles become dependent on it - at least according to my orthopedist and PT - and the fine muscle control and balance never get strong.
              I did some swimming yesterday and that was ok.

              I eat a really good diet with lots of vitamins but I've upped my protein intake since I'm in"Bodybuilding Mode" now :D I think I'll pick up some Creatine too. Any over the counter stuff worth buying or is it all a waste of $$?

              OOH! Hot of the presses! Looks like my doc will prescribe some test gel! At last some hormonal aid in musclel building! I'm gonna try and talk her into some Oxandrin/Anavar also/instead. I'll keep you posted.

              thanks again guys!


