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which gear is..

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  • which gear is..

    in everyones opinion cleaner or should i say better quality...underground gear or say gear made in labs like qv?

  • #2
    i stick with human grade or homemade


    • #3
      but is human grade gear really that much better than a quality underground gear?


      • #4
        IMO yes,

        but millions of others use UG and love it, what i would say is do what you can afford. if buying human grade is gonna put you in a hole then go UG. but i'll never us UG again


        • #5
          well bro ive used qv and syd now i want to try something else and money is no problem


          • #6
            I don't like the word cleaner. If we all think about it the reason most people don't like vet gear is one of three reasons. 1. HURTS 2. UNDERDOSED 3. UNDERFILLED

            vet gear is clean because of the first reason, they put too much BA in their mixes if anything it is more sterile. I don't mind that they are underdosed a bit because the price makes up for it. I have yet to find a vial that is severly underfilled in the five years of using vet gear.


            • #7
              Oh human grade is cleaner. It is gear made under conditions sufficient to pass FDA regulations - vet gear made it Mexico and UG gear made in bathtubs can't come close. BA doesn't kill everything that could possibly contaminate it.

              Like trapattack said, I'll never use vet or UG gear again. You know what you are getting and you know it is quality.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mcbvr6
                Oh human grade is cleaner. It is gear made under conditions sufficient to pass FDA regulations - vet gear made it Mexico and UG gear made in bathtubs can't come close. BA doesn't kill everything that could possibly contaminate it.

                Like trapattack said, I'll never use vet or UG gear again. You know what you are getting and you know it is quality.
                a little exgerrated. I think shot procedures have more to do with abcesses than the gear does. that and not enough shot rotation. plus I can't believe that you are touting the FDA because we all know how effecient the government is at regulating stuff and it isn't like they are living at the factories everyday and testing each batch.


                • #9
                  SC you cant be saying that there is little to no difference in sterility between vet gear(TT) and human grade(upjohn)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by trapattack
                    SC you cant be saying that there is little to no difference in sterility between vet gear(TT) and human grade(upjohn)
                    can you show me that there IS a difference? most of what we hear of is people getting abcesses but do we know it is from the gear. I have used some of the same batches and brands that people said were "dirty", yet I got nothing. People just think of mexico and they think "Dirt", just like when you say underground lab they think of "bathtub". A lot of of it has to do with prejudice based on nothing.


                    • #11
                      FYI, the FDA is probably one of our best run goverment organizations bar none, and world class compared to other countries.

                      IMHO, Human All The Way

                      Realize the body has an incredible immune system. Dirty gear IMHO, of any type underground etc. is fairly rare when taken in the context of how much is sold and used etc. And the cure for an abscess is fairly evident and effective.

                      IMHO, problem comes in Quality, not just underdosing, more important the grade of the substance itself.

                      8-12 weeks of hard work and money is dependent on the quality of that little powder, that is the all important "uncontrollable" element. If your doing a cycle most likely good habits of diet and training. In no way can you control underground quality, etc.

                      Human Grade is held to higher standards on a number of issues by a factor of ten.

                      All in all like everything in life you get what you pay for.

                      Human all the way.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by trip
                        FYI, the FDA is probably one of our best run goverment organizations bar none, and world class compared to other countries.

                        IMHO, Human All The Way

                        Realize the body has an incredible immune system. Dirty gear IMHO, of any type underground etc. is fairly rare when taken in the context of how much is sold and used etc. And the cure for an abscess is fairly evident and effective.

                        IMHO, problem comes in Quality, not just underdosing, more important the grade of the substance itself.

                        8-12 weeks of hard work and money is dependent on the quality of that little powder, that is the all important "uncontrollable" element. If your doing a cycle most likely good habits of diet and training. In no way can you control underground quality, etc.

                        Human Grade is held to higher standards on a number of issues by a factor of ten.

                        All in all like everything in life you get what you pay for.

                        Human all the way.
                        do you work for the govt because I can't believe that anyone would back a government program unless they did. :D


                        • #13
                          LOL so you are saying that there is no difference in sterility then?


                          • #14
                            LOL, no the government works for me, it's called taxes. j/k

                            Sterility differences, No. Think it's an important issue.

                            Just by reading boards, you have mor posts of "GEAR AIN'T DOING SHIT"

                            As compared to "HEY GOT AN ABSCESS"

                            Probably, just thinking back by factor of ten. Simple observation.

                            Almost never are these two incidents related to Human Grade.

                            Stone, have you ever done a cycle or two of human grade?


                            • #15
                              On a side note: "can't believe anyone would back a government program"

                              When you find a better system of government that produces more success please let me know.

                              For every negative you want to find, I can find ten positives.

                              The government employs my fellow Americans, and in no way do I think they are not working hard trying to do their best everday.

                              What you have to realize the LARGER an organization gets, the difficulties of forward progress get's raised exponentially, so what happens is on a day to day year to year basis it is hard to see progress, yet, it is their, if you look at it from decade to decade.

                              Alright, just a little smarmy this AM, and spouting.

                              Everyone have a Great Football Sunday.

