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Retaining Gains...

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  • Retaining Gains...

    How much could one expect to gain from a cycle of prohormones vs AS?? Any thoughts on the best way to retain as much size and strenght as possible? I understand that some will deminish and that my body will try to "snap back" to where it was before - but what will help to combat this and how long does it take to run its course? EXP: 3 weeks cycle - 2-3 weeks PCT - then how long until my body normalizes??

    I am some what new to many of the details and you folks have been most helpful! I just want to do it right - the first time and not look back.

  • #2
    Hey Bro,

    It is very difficult or impossible to predict how much you will gain. Everyone is different, diet is SOOOO much a factor.

    3 weeks of any cycle is wayyy to short. Most AS cycles are minimum of 10 weeks.

    I do not know much about pro hormones, why fuck with psudo-steroids?

    I checked out the boards every day for months before I even considered a cycle. Keep reading & Good Luck !


    • #3
      let me pull out my crystal ball.......hold on.........brb..............


      • #4
        why bother with PH....if for the same price if not cheaper you can run a 10 to 12 week cycle of test and proper pct......but thats just me......BLOODPUMP.......


        • #5
          keep reading before you make a decision, it will come....


          • #6
            my issues are 1- lack of knowling what /how/when/etc about the proper way to use/stack the AS. 2-DIET ... I had finally figured out my diet about 3 months before i got out of the Marine Corps and that was close to 4 years and 60 pounds ago... and finally - I had a bad experience with Doctors and needles when I was a kid and I am uncomfortable with sticking my self with them... I know it is a pussy reason - I can get stuck, I just don't know if I can do it myself. Plus I don't know enough yet to make a good decision about what kind and how much - shit - even where to obtain most of what I'd need for a REAL cycle. I plan to make the transition - I just want to do it right. This community is a strong one from the boards I've read... and I thank you for your help.


            • #7
              hey bro, i wouldn't touch PH. my research says that it's a waste of time and mone. take your time, continue research and you'll make the best decision for yourself.


              • #8
                take it from me, PH are a complete waste, i used them for a while before turning to AS and all they did was drain my wallet


                • #9
                  PH gave my boy a small case of gyno.


                  • #10
                    Use post therapy , include GH in your cycles and have your cycles last at least 16 weeks.


                    • #11
                      my very first run with phs, I did a good t1/4ad transdermal and over 4 weeks ended up 16lbs heavier, you guys cant honestly say ph's are crap, unless yall bought Biotest shit :)


                      • #12
                        I have to put my two cents in on this issue. I have been on since december 2002. I came off my cycle about 1 month ago or more. probably middle of december. I was around 203 because I was really sick for two weeks in december. I am now around 207 I have a lower bodyfat than before, i am holding less water than ever. my sex drive is great. my nuts are a bit small but some hcg will take care of that. all I take now is a bit of proviron now and then. I will always do long cycles. I feel my gains are much more solidfied on my body. I always lost on my previous short cycles. just some thoughts. :)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GymChic
                          Those are all very valid reasons as to why you're not ready to start any type of cycle. Until you come to a point at which you are comfortable that you have all the information you need to make a good choice as to what is right for your body; you need to sit back and read, ask questions and learn all you can. That's what we're here for! :)
                          I agree, because when you've done the research you will already know that PHs give you steroid side effects without the steroid benefits.
                          You will also know what you want to try and at what dosage and for how long.
                          You will know which AAS are for kickstarting a cycle, which are for running a cycle and what the best PCT is.


                          • #14
                            PHs are $$ for what you get.... they do kick up your test levels tho (they did mine -- blood test verified...) I also hate needles more than you can imagine, but you gotta do what ya gotta do and i bet the bullet on my 1st cycle.

                            Just take time to research. When you know enuf you'll be ready... no fear just take your time.

