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How To Get Rid Of Gyno With Letro (Femara)

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  • Spanx


    • Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
      No I don't think it's helping get rid of gyno , but I'm trying to lose some body fat too and was hoping skin won't be lose erm. Well. Ok I'll remove my spans hmmm
      Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
      Yea that shit is doing nothing for you bro. Diet and hard work, not gimmicks.


      • Day 6 of 2.5mgs letro nipples both are very itchy and burning


        • Ok quick update day 10 haven't noticed anything yet apart from loss of libido lump/ breast tissue is still there no reduction


          • Libido went den right frm day 1-2


            • Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
              Day 6 of 2.5mgs letro nipples both are very itchy and burning
              Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
              Ok quick update day 10 haven't noticed anything yet apart from loss of libido lump/ breast tissue is still there no reduction
              Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
              Libido went den right frm day 1-2
              Take the letro everyday and evaluate after you have been on for 1 month. If no change at all after 1 month, your gyno is not going to go away.


              • Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! My gyno has definitely started to shrink since day 20 I rekon it's about 50% smaller :thumup:


                • Been 1 month 2day shall I carry on taking it overall nipple is pointy and protrudes as before but when I touch / feel it the lump is definitely changed is very soft may hv shrunk too but is still there


                  • If its working keep using it, there is no time limit as long as the gyno is shrinking.


                    • I'm seriously freaked out been on 2.5mgs a day for over 4 weeks and seeing results But ive also just noticed my testicles both have shrunk 50% do I need to be concerned is that normal ? Will they go bk to normal size???


                      • Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
                        I'm seriously freaked out been on 2.5mgs a day for over 4 weeks and seeing results But ive also just noticed my testicles both have shrunk 50% do I need to be concerned is that normal ? Will they go bk to normal size???
                        Let's be real bro, you are a bit of an exaggerator. You notice a small change and your mind goes ape shit.

                        RELAX and worry about the gyno. Is the letro doing its job? Your nuts will be fine.


                        • 2.5 mgs a day On day 44 hair falling out slightly do I need to lower dose ?? Or stick to it gyno us reducing but slowly I have I'm on my second bottle and have ordered another 2 please advise bro if hair is thinning out will they grow back later??


                          • Originally posted by Brummykid View Post
                            2.5 mgs a day On day 44 hair falling out slightly do I need to lower dose ?? Or stick to it gyno us reducing but slowly I have I'm on my second bottle and have ordered another 2 please advise bro if hair is thinning out will they grow back later??
                            Hard to say, I cant make any promises. If you cut the dose the hair thinning may stop but we all react differently. You may find that by cutting the dose the gyno reduction also stops. Use your best judgement.


                            • Hey quick question if i had minor symptons of gyno and im on my third week
                              im currently taking test p and tren acetate i been on letro for almost 7 days last two at 2.5mgs and its gotten a bit worse should i just use test and stop the tren ?
                              can anyone help me =(


                              • Need advice from the gynomaster!

                                Hey Bouncer,

                                I've spent hours reading the posts on the long gyno thread, and I think I'm on the right track for the most part...After over 10 years of natural lifting, my stupid ass got into PH's. Well, 20 days into my last SD cycle I got the burning nips with lumps soon developing quickly thereafter. Immediately stopped cycle and hopped on 40mg's Nolva while I waited for Letro to arrive. So,stopped Nolva and started Letro 1 week after bumps appeared, been on 2.5 mg ED for over a week now. I know it's good letro because I completely lost libido and my joints are absolutely terrible. But so far there's no reduction taking place-the lumps(both sides) have actually gotten a little larger :/ They don't look too bad the first half of the day, but later look much much worse. They're both probably around lima bean size (right side a little bigger). I've been taking B6 at high doses as well for extra protection and Finaflex PCT-because it has the same AI that Erase has in it. I didn't take the Finaflex for a day and my chest looks puffier now. So, basically I'm just looking for....should I drop the Finaflex? And since there hasn't been any improvement, is there something else I should be doing? How long until I should notice a slight improvement you think? I'm probably just being impatient and freaking out, but this sh#t has got my head all f#cked up. I think it's great that you've been helping people for years man, that's real solid. If you got a moment, if you could please reply? Ok, thanks bro. Appreciate it!

