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2 decades of AAS use: Sharing thoughts on compounds

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  • 2 decades of AAS use: Sharing thoughts on compounds

    Really good insight from a Vet that has been in the game a long time.

    By: Glycomann

    I thought I would offer you guys my recollection of AAS use since 1987. Keep in mind that use of a test base was not the bro-ology in the 1980s and 1990s. PCT was a taper, HCG or pretty much nothing at all. The use of SERMS was really not protocol in these areas until the mid 90s and then really not very popular. Taper was probably the most common remedy for avoiding a crash. I made a lot of mistakes and have incuded many of them. I’ll go by compounds and my impressions of then in my use.

    Testosterone Cypionate: Great size gains. Quick to form gyno. Used it mostly before aromatase inhibitors so back in the 80’s. Using it with Nolvadex was tolerable. Nolvadex was not readily available, which explains a lot the lack of test base in most cycles. Used it on its own and with either Deca, Equipoise or D-bol. On it’s own at 400-600 mg/w with 20 mg Nolvadex gave good gains in size and strength with some bloat still present. With D-bol we are looking at a pretty watery glycoman. Definitely felt harder when deca durabolin was added. With deca and cyp I remember being itchy like my skin was going to split and actually got stretch marks under my arms and in shoulders. Use of this or Test E with boldenone is one of my favorite stacks.

    Testosterone Enanthate: Great gains in size and moderate gains in strength. I used it mostly in the last two years in the presence of Letrozole and with either boldenone undecylenate, stanozolol, and/or drostanolone propionate. One of my favorite compounds. AIs really opened up the door for use of test for me. It’s a great base for most cycles. For me addition of 0.25 – 0.50 mg of Letro per 250 mg of Test E works wonders. Test E is a great cycle on its own with Letro.

    Testosterone Suspension: I have limited experience with this stuff. I had a couple of 30 ml bottles of this stuff in the early 90s. All I got from it was fast transient strength. I did not stack it with anything. It was a bad ignorant move. I think the way to use this stuff would be for powerlifting meets or for MMA fights. In the case of powerlifting it might be added around periods when PRs are attempted and before competition. In MMA one would use it in a similar fashion. It would be to add it to a stack already in use. For instance for MMA doses are usually on the lower end to preserve stamina and limit water retention. A stack might include a TRT amount of Sustanon and oxandrolone for example. Test suspension could be added at 50 - 200 mg/d near competition or on competition day to add energy and aggression while cutting weight.

    Sustanon: This is my favorite test. You guys already know it’s a blend of the esters propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. There is more controversy around the use of blends than there is around Britney Spears’ custody battle and weight stats. Bottom line is I don’t get gyno from the blend the same way I do from Test C or Test E on a mg/mg basis. Weight gain is not as dramatic as the afore mentioned Test esters but I like the look better. Plus, I don’t have to use as much AI with it. It stacks great with pretty much anything. Strength gain is a little less than with Test E and Test C but that’s probably a function of less water retention.

    Boldenone undecylenate: Equipoise; This is one of my favorite compounds. It gets a lot of bad press. Some pretty influential people like Bill Roberts and others feel it is really useless. Personally, I think it’s one of those compounds that you either respond to or you don’t. This may have to do with previous AAS use such as dose pattern and duration and also genetics. The strongest dose it was available in in the 80s and 90s was 50 mg/ml. I’ve used it alone back in the 80’s at 200 to 300 mg/week. It was a great hardener used alone. I had no problems with out of control diet on it at this fairly low dose. I was able to successfully cut using it as a stand alone and the cosmetic appearance difference was pretty dramatic. There were no estrogenic side effects and testicular atrophy was minimal. Recovery was fairly easy and this was before modern PCT protocols. Later I used it again as a stand alone with the same results. I have used it in combination with Test E and C and the results are pretty dramatic. For me there is a definite synergism with Test and Eq. I have ramped up one or the other as well and find that adding test requires adding more AI. Ramping up Eq does not and the results are comparable. I have gone as high as a gram of each. The best schedule and dose for me seems to be in the area of 375 mg Test and 600 mg Eq. So, ½ cc test and 1 cc Eq 3 days a week with 0.25 mg letro on each of those days.

    Nandrolone decanate: deca durabolin; This stuff was the base of most cycles throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s. My first cycle included just 200 mg/w deca, 20 mg d-bol/d for 6 weeks followed by oxandrolone at 10 mg/d for the last 4 weeks as the deca ran down. I put on nearly 30 lbs. WHAT FUN!! I used deca as a base for most of my cycles from 87 – 90 after which I took a long break from AAS use. The break was mostly due to life situation but also from some ED likely from the deca. Also, around 1990 deca started to give me gyno. I would not use it again without a lot of convincing. If I were to use it again I would use it in conjunction with dostinex, letro and HCG. I can use boldenone instead without all the ancillaries so I don’t see the advantage to deca any more. I had my fun with it and have moved on.

    Nandrolone phenylpropionate: Durabolin; Pretty much a short acting nandrolone. It gave me a little less water retention than deca as a stand alone or stacked with a non-aromatizing oral like oxandrolone or stanozol. The pain is that I had to inject it 3 x a week. A really good cycle with this stuff was with injectable D-bol. That was a great cycle. First time I got close to a 400 lb bench press. The dose and pattern were something like 100 mg Laurabolin and 50 mg D-bol injected every other day. Sometimes I would double up and inject two times in one day or every day.

    Parabolin: Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: This stuff came in 76 mg/ml amps. Weird dose. It was touted as one of the best anabolics on the market. Frankly, I didn’t take enough of it and didn’t stack it with anything that I can recall. I only took 2 amps a week and it was pretty much like deca with less bloat but my dose was pretty low. It was a lack luster cycle, a waste of time. Live and learn. This was back in 1988. If I had it to do again I would double the dose and add sustanon or Test E at least. Then I might see the compound come to life. The stuff was expensive even back then so we are talking a big chunk of change for even a 10 week cycle.

    Finaject: Trenbolone acetate: HOLY CRAP!! This stuff was like getting kicked in the ass by a clydesdale. I used about 20 cc then gave it away. Needless to say, my experience with the trenbolones has been lack luster. Probably this has a lot to do with week dose used and probably too much BA in the acetate form. Enough said.

    Masteron: drostanolone propionate (never used th diprop form): This stuff is great stacked with Test. I did 500 – 750 mg/w of Test E with 300 - 500 mg/w of this stuff. On the high end the pumps I got just from walking would be so painful I would have to stop and stretch. Strength was pretty crazy on the stuff. Contrary to popular belief, for me, Masteron DOES NOT act as a useful AI. I had to add letro. One of the best cycles I did was with 500 mg Test E, 225 mg Masteron and 300 mg Equipoise with 1.5 mg of letro added in per week. I think Masteron is a great compound and it does not bother my joints like stanozolol. You have to be somewhat careful with it though. Don’t believe the hype about its capacity as an AI. Plus, using to high a dose will make it hard to walk 3 city blocks. Your calves and lower back might feel like they will split. On the other hand if you are trying to stretch your muscle fascia it is the ticket. You can do moderate to high rep work and stretch between sets and probably open up more room in your muscle compartments for new growth. In my estimation this is a great compound.

    Dianabol: methandrostenolone; This is just a great and versatile compound for me. It’s hard for me to say enough about it. Actually I have not used it in over 12 years but I have a lot of fond memories of it. I’ve taken it as a stand alone, as a bridge, in combination with just about everything, and in oral and injectable form. It has great synergy with deca or test. I’ve had some of my fastest strength and size gains when stacking with it. Anywhere from 15 -50 mg/d is an effective dose in my cycles. I’ve even used just 5 mg/d as a bridge and it works just fine. At times after a long break from AAS I have just used 5 mg/d for 6 weeks or so and I would slowly start to fill back in yet still look natural. If you want to diet down before a real cycle you can take 5-10 mg of d-bol and still fill in a little while you drop off the fat. Testicular atrophy is non-existent at least for me using like this. This might have to do with it’s short ½ life. A great cycle in the past, as already discussed above, was nandrolone phenylpropionate and injectable D-bol. The bloat is a bit nasty at 50 mg/d or EOD but now with today’s AIs one could conceivably get pretty dry yet strong on such a cycle. D-bol and deca was probably THE MOST POPULAR cycle in the 70s and 80s. This pair worked like a charm and I am sure still does. I feel that an oral such as d-bol can be used at a reasonable dose for a fairly long period without much stress on the liver. Now if you want to use 100 mg/d that is entirely a different story.

    Winstrol: Stromba; stanozolol; This stuff has a special place in my heart. It is the first compound that really transformed my physique. It does for me what Tren Ace does for others. I have foolishly stacked it alone on more than one occasion. But, even stacked alone I would just grow and grow and lean and lean. The higher the dose, the more dramatic the effect. The compound is a 2 edged sword for me. One the one hand I can transform myself in both size and quality while of course on a clean diet. On the other hand my joints and BP take a beating on this compound. I had little problems as far as joint issues in the 80s on the stuff as it was coming direct from a veterinarian. It could also be that I was younger and my joints were more resilient. Then again I was training for Judo competitions so training was intense and twice a day most days in addition to a physical labor job. Later in the early to mid 90’s I got a hold of a bunch of legit Stromba. That stuff was great too. 30-50 mg/d of this stuff would make me a beast. Just 15-20 mg a day would keep me hard and cut, of course my diet and training were perfect back then. Stacking it with sustanon is a great stack. I would find that used alone I would have sexual issues after some time. Erection was not a problem but climax was. Sustanon removes that problem. I could get pretty big and solid off of 500 mg Sustanon, 30 mg Stan and a little letro. Strangely, stan DOES work as an AI for me so the need for letro is pretty minimal if needed at all. Really only needed at 750 mg of Sustanon or higher and I don’t really run that high any more. Last time I did Sustanon and Stan I was decline benching 315 for sets of 8-10 at 46 year of age. Stuff makes me strong. Unfortunately now it also makes me brittle. So long Stan…

    Anavar: Oxandrin; oxandrolone; This stuff in my estimation also gets a bad rap. I think this might have to do with the massive doses most guys use these days. Oxandrolone is a fairly mild compound. Most guys these days want to use 50-100 mg/d of this stuff. That makes it prohibitively expensive to use. On the other hand, I have found, some uses for this compound. It is so mild that it is, controversially, one of the few AAS compounds to cause very mild HPTA suppression. There is a pretty good body of evidence of this from the HIV/AIDS literature. I have seen studies where up to 80 mg/d were used for extended periods and LH and testosterone still stayed in or close to normal range. Mind you no other compounds were used and these patients were not habitual AAS users previous to the study so we may be talking apples and oranges here.

    I used it in my first cycle at only 10 mg/d and was unimpressed with it. Then again it was at the end of a cycle of D-bol and Deca and only used as the deca esters ran down so not much could really be expected. Since then I have used it in other applications. I have used it as a bridge and it is quite useful for keeping gains. Bridges, however, are good and bad. While you can maintain some gains with them with oxandrolone you do have to come off sometime. I once used it in an experimental protocol. I used 20-30 mg/d along with 20 mg Nolvadex. The idea was to preserve HPTA function. I did this for 6 weeks and was not that impressed. I suffered little in the way of HPTA suppression symptoms but only a slight hardening effect. I also did it after a long absence from AAS use at just 10 mg in the morning. The affect was a notable gain in strength, hardness and pumps in the gym. A leaning affect was also noted. Some joint stiffness was noted after 5 weeks or so. I have also done it with Sustanon. I started at 250 mg/w of Sustanon and worked oxandrolone from 20 – 40 mg/d. This was a great cycle. No bloat to speak of, some hardening that transferred into a better look with a good low carb high protein diet and good strength gains. Oxandrolone is a good hardener and is effective for me if I have been away from AAS for a while. If you can find it cheap it’s definitely work having around. I like taking it just before a workout. It adds some intensity.

    Halotestin:fluoxymesterone; This stuff is a wicked hardener. I took this stuff with deca in 1988 while preparing for a couple of meets. It adds a lot of strength with little gain in weight. I did fuck-up the first time I used it. I took it at 40 mg/d with 600 mg of deca/w and got sick. I was sick for a while and refused to come off the halo. I did’t kick the bronchitis until I went off it completely. It’s pretty harsh. I can remember getting hot/cold flashes with every dose. In the end I did get to the state championships but with only 2 weeks of training after the illness. There was no drug testing so I amped up the deca again and when I got on sight the night before my matches I weighed myself to find I was 8 lbs over weight. I had to steam and do ground work with a couple of brown belts to drop the weight. I gases in the finals and placed second. Next time I used it I used a lower dose and it was fine. Great strength and aggression drug but harsh.

    Methandriol dipropionate: It sucks. It just sucks. It has direct estrogenic properties so you are looking at estrogen affects that can’t be controlled by an AI. Nolvadex will work to some extent. It is a week compound otherwise. A bunch of us got hold of it in late 88 from a veterinarian.

    History of PCT: In the 80s PCT usually consisted of tapering down doses by ½ per week over 3-4 weeks then 2-3 weeks of HCG. This was really not effective at all. Longer taper protocols are in use today and some claim they are as effective as some more modern PCT protocols. I beg to differ based on my experience with tapers. In the late 90s it became more popular to use SERMS. My first real PCT was in 1995. I used Clomid at 50 mg/d for 4 weeks. It worked great. My testes swelled to larger than normal size. There was a little lag after I stopped using the Clomid, then I was pretty much up and running with little loss of size gain other than water and accompanying hardness. Later I used a Clomid/Nolvadex protocol. 3-5 weeks of 50 mg/d Clomid with 20 mg/d Nolvadex added in at week 3. Works like a charm. I don’t use HCG, at least not in a long time. It seemed to just be a temporary fix and would prolong time to recovery. Probably this was the way I used it back in the 80s more than anything. We really didn’t know better back then. The way I might use it today would be for the last 2-3 weeks of a cycle and as the esters run down then halt use and add the SERMS as usual.

    Best Cycles for me:
    I like Equipoise, Sustanon, Test E, Masteron and Anavar. I am older so my goals are not the same as younger guys nor can my body withstand heavy doses any more or at least I am unwilling to subject it to such. I like to take long breaks from use of 6 months or so. Then I like to start back slow.

    Cycle to lean bulk or cut:
    Test E 250 – 500 mg/wk + Equipoise 300-500 mg/w + Letro as needed
    Add in Masteron at 75 mg EOD as I lean down.

    Sustanon 250-500 mg/w + Anavar 20-50 mg/d + Letro as needed
    Add in Masteron at 75 mg EOD as I lean down.

    To bulk:
    Test E 250 – 750 mg/wk + Equipoise 300-700 mg/w + Letro as needed
    End cycle with 30 mg/d of stanozolol (can’t really do this anymore).

    Crazy period:
    I had 2000 dbol tabs, 2000 winstrol tabs, 100 2 ml decas, 2 x 50 ml vials of equipoise, 10 x 10 ml vials of Test C. During this period I never did a shot less than 3 cc and I shot nearly every day. I blew up to near 230 lbs at 5’9”. I was out of control. I would turn blue in the gym from the pump and blood volume. I was pretty nuts at that time. I had to smoke pot daily to stay calm. This lasted until a nasty injury occurred. Then I calmed down, healed up and stayed clean for a long while.

    Stuff I’d still like to try:
    I would like to give Tren Ace another try. I would like to try it with test E or Sustanon something like this:

    Sustanon 250 – 500 mg/wk + Tren Ace 200 – 300 mg/w
    Then add in 75 mg EOD of Masteron

    Other observations and comments:
    1) I’ve noticed that use of letro mitigates some of the HPTA suppression at least when using Test, Eq and Masterone. These are fairly mild compounds on HPTA aside from the Test. I don’t know if it will work with 19 nor compounds like tren and deca. If using test and eq my recovery can be pretty easy if letro is used.

    2) After PCT I can expect a lag period where my body does not perform as well. This period lasts 2-4 months past PCT. After that I feel and look better. At this point it is OK to either try to gain naturally or start trimming away the fat with low carb high protein dieting.

    3) It’s good to keep in mind that HGH goes up with AAS use. This probably equates to a 30-50% increase. Once you come off AAS, HGH levels probably take a dive along with your androgen levels. Keeping this in mind can remind you of the many physiologic reasons you should take it a little easy in the gym when coming off and in recovery phase.

    4) The longer I am on the more compound it takes to obtain the desired affect. The longer I am on the more difficult is the recovery and more horrendous the crash when I do come off. It’s better to keep doses and duration on the lower end.

    5) Current PCT protocols are a giant leap in AAS use.
    Last edited by Bouncer; 08-23-11, 09:21 AM.

  • #2
    I dont agree with everything he says, especially his love for letro at pretty high doses just to keep gyno away. IMO letro should be used to get rid of gyno only. to strong to be used for prevention.

    Great read though.


    • #3
      Bout to do boldenone alone cycle. According to your review and from few others it can give you ripped look and more vascular.
      Do you gain any new muscle to any significant degree? I am not looking to bulk just to get bit leaner.


      • #4
        Originally posted by outlaw78 View Post
        Bout to do boldenone alone cycle. According to your review and from few others it can give you ripped look and more vascular.
        Do you gain any new muscle to any significant degree? I am not looking to bulk just to get bit leaner.
        Wouldn't recommend an eq only cycle brother. Run it with some test or else you will be shut the fuck down.

        Run low dose test and low dose adex to keep the water off. EQ will make you more vascular but burning fat I will not. That's up to diet and cardio.


        • #5
          Originally posted by outlaw78 View Post
          Bout to do boldenone alone cycle. According to your review and from few others it can give you ripped look and more vascular.
          Do you gain any new muscle to any significant degree? I am not looking to bulk just to get bit leaner.
          I'm running bold ATM. I ran it 3 weeks alone at 900mgs before only recently just adding 900mgs of test. I noticed veins in shoulders and arms a lot more pronounced but not much else yet. Plenty of people run it alone tho. One concern I have is that it thickens blood. I am taking blood thinners everyday to try to combat this.


          • #6
            Originally posted by redback View Post
            I'm running bold ATM. I ran it 3 weeks alone at 900mgs before only recently just adding 900mgs of test. I noticed veins in shoulders and arms a lot more pronounced but not much else yet. Plenty of people run it alone tho. One concern I have is that it thickens blood. I am taking blood thinners everyday to try to combat this.
            Supposed to give blood mid cycle on eq. Guess it helps with your hematocrit/rbc count. I ran a gram of eq on top of test in the spring and didnt give blood. The result? Blood pressure 160/100 and doc put me on bp meds...i also stopped eq obviously. Took a month, but bp went back to an acceptable range. Be careful on that hefty eq dose brother


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattG View Post
              Supposed to give blood mid cycle on eq. Guess it helps with your hematocrit/rbc count. I ran a gram of eq on top of test in the spring and didnt give blood. The result? Blood pressure 160/100 and doc put me on bp meds...i also stopped eq obviously. Took a month, but bp went back to an acceptable range. Be careful on that hefty eq dose brother
              Thanks mate. Might drop it down.

