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Steroid checklist

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  • Steroid checklist

    Steroid Checklist
    by Control

    Before you go posting in the steroid section, announcing that you're ready to start your first cycle, make sure you can mentally check each step on this checklist.

    1. You're at least 21 years old. At LEAST. If not, you've got some more growing to do naturally. Take advantage of your high natural testorone level. If you hit a wall, and you're not seeing gains anymore, try a new routine. Try eating more protein. Try getting more sleep. Try taking a 2 week break from lifting. Lack of testosterone is not your problem....

    2. You have taken the time to educate yourself about steroids. If you don't know how steroids work, how can you expect them to work for you? You don't need a degree in chemistry, but if you've never heard of tamoxifen, you have some research to do.

    3. You either A) Compete or B) Want to look like a freak. Let me explain this one. If you're in college and you want to look good for spring break, ya'know pack on a little muscle, get a 6-pack, look like the guys on the cover of "Men's Health" Magazine; you don't need steroids. You can get that look with diet and a solid training regimen. I promise. Steroids are for guys who want to take their physiques to the extreme. Either for competition purposes, or so that people will stare at them when they go to the mall. If you just want a "nice" body, don't take the risks involved with steroids.

    4. You have a reliable source and you've done your source checks. Don't do a google search for "steroids" and whip out your credit card. It's not that easy and it shouldn't be. Be patient. There are a few good sources out there, but they're hard to find (that's part of what makes them good).

    5. You're cool with the risks. First off, there are health risks and side effects related to steroid use. Find out what they are and think long and hard about how they make you feel. Do you want to go bald earlier than you would have naturally? You might or you might not, but it's a possibility. How about the night of your anniversary when you have deca-dick and your wife's locked herself in the bathroom crying because she thinks that you don't find her attractive anymore? What about when you have to go to court because several witnesses saw you screaming obscenities and assaulting a vending machine when it didn't dispense the kit-kat bar you paid 65 cents for? Don't be one of those people who tries to convince themselves that their drug of choice is 100% harmless. There are also legal consequences. The government is alot more interested in steroids than they once were. If you get caught, you may get more than a slap on the wrist.

    6. Finally, this should go without saying, you're dedicated. You don't miss meals, you train smart with focus and intensity, you get enough sleep; basically you're doing everything right. Look, you can lie to everybody else, that's fine. But be honest with yourself. Are you really focused? Or are you so busy with work, school, family, whatever, that you just sort of go through the motions? If so that's cool. It's fine to have more important things in your life. But don't start using gear if you know your heart's not really in it right now. If you think "Well, maybe if I take steroids It'll motivate me to start training harder and eating right", don't. Steroids are for people who are already motivated. People who are obsessed. People who fantasize about their next leg workout. If you train and eat right mon-fri and then get hammered on the weekend and let everything go to shit, steroids are a poor choice for you. But if you don't want to listen to me don't worry, I'm sure somebody will still sell them to you....

  • #2
    damn good post :bravonew:


    • #3
      excellent post. i think alot of people believe that 'bodybuilding' and 'steroids' go hand in hand. i have never taken any prohormone or anything riskier than creatine, yet i still live and breathe bodybuilding. its the first thing i think about when i get up in the morning (time for oatmeal!) and last thing i think about when i go to bed (that was some damn tasty cottage cheese!). I get noticed inside the gym and out, because of the way im built and constantly have people giving me compliments and asking for advice. anyways, im not trying to brag- just trying to get the point across that you can be natural and still gets worlds out of bodybuilding


      • #4
        I espeacially like the parts about AS not being the cure to the six pack or a "Men's Fitness" body. Also the part about going and getting drunk on the weekend.


        • #5
          definatley a good post bro


          • #6
            Agreed nice post bro...


            • #7
              very good post.


              • #8
                Nice, I like a thing also I'll quote, (hopefully correct), from skyefire "If you can't pronounce it, you don't need to be doing it"


                • #9
                  Great post!


                  • #10
                    great post that should be the thing evryone has to read before using AS


                    • #11
                      Great post man.


                      • #12
                        Great post Bro. In the short amount of time that i have been around AS i have seen too many times where kids below the age of 21 start taking steroids just because there is someone that they know that does them and will sell to them without ever learning about PCT or even the possible side-effects. These type people ruin the rep for AS because the encounter a problem and blame steroids because of their lack of knowledge on how to safely use the product.


                        • #13
                          And here's some good advice also :D :


                          • #14
                            excellent post, I think everyone new to this site should read it before going any further. If I work up the energy, I'll type up "10 reasons not to do steroids" from a Muscle Mag from a little while ago. Among the exceptions, however, were if you have aspirations of being at least a national-level bodybuilder or a professional athlete


                            • #15
                              *claps* - execellent

