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needed help with new regime

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  • needed help with new regime

    hi after losing 3stone(42lbs) or more doing cardio and some light weights some trainer put me on, i am embarking on a journey to muscle mass.
    The problem i have is the equipment in my gym, there isnt weight plates as such just predetermined amounts on barbells only going up to 40kg!!! there are a bunch of resistance machines and dumbells going up to 40kg also.

    I know i need to be doing the compound movements, presses, squats, deads and rows etc. but deadlifts are going to be impossible in this gym unless i try a cable deadlift (stacks only go up to 100kg and i`m not too sure about using a cable machine for it) i can squat using the dumbells for awhile until i get stronger. i suppose i can do cable rows too.

    I have decided to do three full body workouts a week mon/wed/fri with tues/thurs doing some cardio to keep my fitness up.

    this is the workout i did on monday:

    bench press 4sets
    dumbell flyes 4sets
    seated cable row 4sets
    lat pulldown 4sets
    tricep extension 3sets
    bicep curls 3sets
    cable deadlift (felt really weird, dont want an injury) 4sets
    cable shrugs 4sets
    leg press 4sets
    leg ext 4sets

    i was just wondering if anyone could give me any feedback or any pointers as to what i could change around as far as volume etc. i was thinking of dropping the isolation exercises and just concentrating on the bigger lifts.

    like maybe losing the shrugs tri extensions and bicep curls for awhile as the latter two are being worked with my chest back.

    or maybe just going for (chest/back/rest/arms/legs). i know there is no golden routine any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by gatoolpod; 05-02-06, 03:49 PM.

  • #2
    Youre right about sticking to the compound movements. Right now I do:
    Mon- lower body
    tues- upper body

    thurs- lower body
    fri-upper body

    I do throw in some curls and skull crushers and whatnot every now and then but I always to all of my basic compound stuff first. As far as putting on mass as fast as possible you generally dont want full body workouts. Your schedule doesnt really leave enough time for the muscles to recover to allow you to fully work them again. Good job on the weightloss. Are you going to change your diet as well.


    • #3
      i`m using a 500 calorie surplus, and i`m gonna see how that works, eating 5-6times a day pretty clean. as far as your workout goes, do you do the same exercises on the upper body days or do you focus one on back one on chest kind of thing.


      • #4
        I do chest and back on arms day but I change up the exercises depending on my mood and how many people are at the gym. I think the best way to do it is find a simple routine and try it for a couple of weeks. If you start really paying attention to your body you can tell if youre working too much. I am starting to think I need to change my routine and spread things out a little but I'm going to stick with it like this for a few more weeks.


        • #5
          cable deadlift (felt really weird, dont want an injury) 4sets cut that out then. use the BB


          • #6
            i really need to lower the volume, did another full body workout today and was very fatigued during the later exercises. i think i`m gonna try a upper lower split with a few compound moves for a month or so, cheers for the advice.


            • #7


              • #8
                cheers, sounds like a good split!

                i went and looked at another gym today, this gym had much better equipment, a smith machine weight plates totalling 500kg. i think i really need to be able to squat and deadlift comfortably. gym was cheaper too.


                • #9
                  there you go good luck

