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Dedicated beginner looking for some help

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  • Dedicated beginner looking for some help

    Hi guys. I've been reading through some forums lately and decided to join here because the community looks great and active. I've been looking for some answers to some questions I have but can never seem find exactly what I'm looking for, so hope you don't mind me asking here. I tend to write long posts, hope you don't mind.

    I'm 35, 6'3", and weighed 223lbs about 8 weeks ago. It was fat weight, mostly in my gut, I'm skinny almost everywhere else. I've tried over the past 10 years or so to lose the weight but have never been able to stick with a diet and exercise program for more than about 2 weeks. Well, at the end of May, something in me changed. I started watching the calories and doing cardio regularly. As of today, I'm at 209. I hadn't been below 216 since I was 23 yrs old. For about the past 6 weeks, I've added some weight training to my regimen. I've been using a Total Gym and a Recumbent Stationary Bike. My first weight goal is 198. From there, I'd like to ultimately get to 185.

    I have been reading a lot about diet and exercise since then all over the web. I want to begin building some muscle while continuing to lose the weight. I'm not looking for a bodybuilder's body, but definitely would like some muscle definition and tone.

    After doing the reading, I understand that free weights are the best way to go to build muscle. I have recently purchased a used weight bench, barbell, and about 75lbs of weights. I am supposed to be getting a 40lb set of dumbbells today. Also bought a pull up bar.

    Now I'm trying to understand what a true workout routine entails. Here's what I started this week. (Still using the Total Gym for a couple things until the dumbbells get here.) I have 1 Hour during the day Monday thru Friday to exercise...that's it right now. Forgive me for any mistakes with regards to terminology. Also, I have somewhat bad knees. It hurts to do squats, so I haven't included them.

    Monday - Chest/Biceps/Abs
    Flat Bench Press, Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes, Barbell Curls, Dumbbell Curls, Side-to-Side Crunches, Reverse Crunches

    Tuesday - Cardio on the bike; Doing 2 minutes slow; 1 minute "sprint"; and rotate for 35 mins.

    Wednesday - Shoulders/Legs/Abs
    Seated Barbell Military Press, Lateral Dumbbell Raises, Barbell Shrugs, Walking Lunges, Calf Raises, Side-to-Side Crunches, Reverse Crunches

    Thursday - Cardio = Same as Tuesday

    Friday - Back/Triceps/Abs
    Pull Ups, Barbell Row, Stiff legged Deadlift, Dips (on the Tot Gym), Dumbbell Tricep Extensions, Side-to-Side Crunches, Reverse Crunches

    Been eating 5 smaller meals a day including a protein shake/bar after I work out (I have some Whey protein powder). I've been getting around 100 - 150 gms of Protein daily. Drinking at least 32oz of water a day.

    My actual question is, What can I do to improve my routine (working out or nutritionally) with the limited time I have? I want to get the most muscle building I can since the fat is coming off pretty well so far.

    Thanks for your opinions and suggestions!

  • #2
    First of all welcome to the board.

    You have a pretty good understanding of what you should be doing. Good to see someone that takes the time to learn and read.

    One thing to understand is that 1 hour a day 5 days a week is more then enough time. Its a myth that bodybuilders etc.. workout in the gym like 3 hours a day. Just not the case, weight training starts to be counter intuitive after about 50 minutes. Body starts breaking down muscle etc..

    I would switch a few of the muscle groups you work together. For example, instead of doing chest and biceps on the same day i would change that to chest and triceps. When you do pressing movements like bench for chest workouts, you are also using your triceps. So it makes sense to do those muscles together. Same thing goes for back and biceps, pulling movements for back are also using your biceps etc..

    Your actual workouts look pretty good. Its really important to understand that you cannot do the exact same things in terms of weight, reps, exercises etc.. week after week and expect to keep getting results. You have to continue to push, continue to trick your body. For a month you may want to use lighter weight and do as many reps as you can until your muscles feel like they are on fire. The next month you may want to go heavier with lower reps etc..

    Protein should be a bit higher if you want to put on muscle. Aim for 200 grams to start out with.

    It would help also if you post exactly what you eat each day. Meal 1, meal 2, Meal 3 etc..


    • #3
      Thanks for the welcome and the insight.

      Appreciate the notes on the workout routine. I've seen many references to changing things, but it's great to see a specific example to use.

      I know my nutrition is something I need to work on. I really just started doing some research on it about 2 weeks ago. Here's what I've been doing for about the past 10 days.

      Meal 1: Kashi GoLean Crunch Cereal w/Vanilla LowFat Yogurt
      Meal 2: Cottage Cheese & Apple Butter
      Meal 3: Tuna Sandwich and a piece of fruit
      Meal 4: Protein Shake or Bar
      Meal 5: Whatever my wife makes for dinner. :) Usually a meat, spinach salad, and some other veggie.
      EDIT: I do take a multi-vitamin too. (Men's One-a-day)

      I have had cholesterol issues in the past, so that's something I need to be conscious of. I don't usually have much time at the meal time itself to prepare much. I kinda eat on the go. But I do have time each evening to prepare things for the next day.

      I was using a website to track calories and it said I should be eating 1,700-1,800 per day to lose the weight I want to. So far it's been going well. However I know I need more protein calories to actually gain muscle. Should I be trying to get over 2,000 calories? or more?
      Last edited by rhetoric; 07-08-10, 04:14 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rhetoric View Post
        Thanks for the welcome and the insight.

        Appreciate the notes on the workout routine. I've seen many references to changing things, but it's great to see a specific example to use.

        I know my nutrition is something I need to work on. I really just started doing some research on it about 2 weeks ago. Here's what I've been doing for about the past 10 days.

        Meal 1: Kashi GoLean Crunch Cereal w/Vanilla LowFat Yogurt
        Meal 2: Cottage Cheese & Apple Butter
        Meal 3: Tuna Sandwich and a piece of fruit
        Meal 4: Protein Shake or Bar
        Meal 5: Whatever my wife makes for dinner. :) Usually a meat, spinach salad, and some other veggie.
        EDIT: I do take a multi-vitamin too. (Men's One-a-day)

        I have had cholesterol issues in the past, so that's something I need to be conscious of. I don't usually have much time at the meal time itself to prepare much. I kinda eat on the go. But I do have time each evening to prepare things for the next day.

        I was using a website to track calories and it said I should be eating 1,700-1,800 per day to lose the weight I want to. So far it's been going well. However I know I need more protein calories to actually gain muscle. Should I be trying to get over 2,000 calories? or more?
        yea you need more protein in there.

        get some protein powder in with the first meal. maybe some cottage cheese as a meal 6 aswell.

