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Not hitting my lats with chin-ups

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  • Not hitting my lats with chin-ups

    I'm not able to do a chin-up yet let alone a pullup. So I've been doing negative chin-ups as part of my workouts.

    The problem is, my back hasn't been sore yet from doing them. I don't think my back has been worked at all. It's all my biceps and arms right now. I've been trying to concentrate on my back while lowering myself but can't seem to get those muscles to work.

    Now I know that chin-ups aren't going to work your lats as much as pullups, but I've read that you should start with chin-ups since they are easier to do and then work your way up to pullups. Is that true?

    Should I incorporate both chin-ups AND pullups into my routine?

  • #2
    Find a gym that has an assisted pullup machine. It will make a big difference especially for bigger guys who struggle with pullups.


    • #3
      I don't belong to a gym currently. Just have a pullup bar in a doorway. I do my workouts at home because I have to watch my kids while my wife is at work. Just don't have the time or money to join one at this point. Is there some sort of substitute I can do at home?


      • #4
        Bend your knees a bit and put you feet on a stool or a chair to support part of your weight. Really focus on lifting with your lats, not your forearms. You can visualize pulling your elbows downwards towards the ground - this will help you focus on your lats.


        • #5
          Thanks I'll try that out with a chair/stool. It seems that negative chin-ups aren't enough. I need to be doing a full chin-up even if I'm not using all my body weight eh? That makes sense now that I'm thinking about it. Not sure why I didn't think about that before.

          Appreciate the post and the visualization technique. I had seen that somewhere before but couldn't even really begin to do a chin-up so didn't get far enough to use the visualization. :) Maybe I'll be able to now with a lighter weight.


          • #6
            Another option is to do horizontal rows until you build up some more lat strength. Either lower your bar if you can do so, or buy some gymnastic rings that you can hang from the bar so that the rings are 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Google horizontal rows to get video descriptions of the exercise I am talking about.


            • #7
              That's a cool idea. Know anywhere to get those rings under $20? I've looked around some and don't see any under $50.

              I wonder if I can make something usable with a quick trip to the hardware store...


              • #8
                what about lat pull down machine?


                • #9
                  That would make sense but I don't have one of those either. I'm hoping to get a power rack for my birthday in a month (though I'm not sure the wife is going to go for that)..and I've heard you can get a lat pull down attachment for them so maybe that will be an option at that point.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rhetoric View Post
                    That's a cool idea. Know anywhere to get those rings under $20? I've looked around some and don't see any under $50.

                    I wonder if I can make something usable with a quick trip to the hardware store...
                    Easy. Just get some nylon rope, tie one end to the bar and make a loop with the other end, one for each hand. Hang on to the loop and you are good to go. Use gloves if you are a wuss.... J/k. :)


                    • #11
                      S'ok...I know I'm a wuss. I sit at a computer all day. Don't exactly have those rough, calloused hands. ;)

                      Might need something to keep the rope from cinching up and crushing my hands though. I can slide a small diameter PVC pipe on there...or maybe some metal tubing for a grip. Hmmm...


                      • #12
                        Or just make a big knot at the bottom and you won't even need a loop. Just grab the rope just above the knot.


                        • #13
                          Lol, scrum is the man.

                          Guy is like the macgyver of fitness!


                          • #14

                            I am an engineer by training - can usually think of some solution or another for most of these "problems."
                            Last edited by Scrumhalf; 06-28-11, 05:52 PM.

