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Nick Walker vs Brandon Curry

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  • Nick Walker vs Brandon Curry

    Brandon Curry at the 2019 Mr Olympia vs Nick Walker at the 2021 NY Pro.

    The hype may be justified with Nick. Potential future Mr O if he doesn't go overboard and destroy his body like Phil Heath....

  • #2
    He’s been able to fix the things that really hurt him & made his structure look bad. Improving his posing really helped a lot....there were times when I thought I was looking at a shorter version of Jay Cutler because of this thickness. Definitely will be interest to see what he does over the next few years.


    • #3
      Look at Nick's conditioning and separation in his abs and chest! Whoa man....he looked better in the prejudging than he did at the finish too. Nick has real potential to leave a mark on this industry as one of the best if he doesn't go crazy like Bouncer said and can stay healthy.

