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Famous bodybuilders quotes

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  • Famous bodybuilders quotes

    Saw this elsewhere, great topic though, here's a few;

    Arnold -
    "The best activities for your health are pumping and humping."

    Ronnie -
    "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight."

    Jon Pall Sigmarsson
    "there is no point in being alive if you cannot do the deadlift"

    Lee Haney - "Stimulate don't Annihilate."

    Lou Ferrigno - "I have nothin' to say I just wanna eat my cake."

    Henry Rollins

    "The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all
    kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron
    will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference
    point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in
    the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It
    never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two
    hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."

    " Im not the kind of guy who tries to run between the drops. Sometimes you gotta get a little wet to reach your destination" - Erik Fankhouser

    "When they get a 50-inch waist and a gorilla butt, it's ugly looking - and I think bodybuilding has become ugly looking."
    -Joe Gold

    "If you always do what you've always'll always get what you always got"
    -Ronnie Coleman

    "When I go out there onstage, I want to be more than just a blocky guy who waddles onto the posing platform. I want the girls to feel something."
    -Tom Platz (September 1986 Flex)

    "Dorian Yates and I have nothing in common, physically speaking. He's a Volkswagen; I'm a Porsche."
    Shawn Ray (April 1994 Flex)

    "When I get closer to a show and have to back off from training and cardio, I use sex as an aid to help me burn calories. Look at it this way: The risk of getting injured is zero to none."
    -J. J. Marsh

    "I'm an extremist, and I hope to be remembered that way: noncompliant and an artist. I do not want to be remembered as a nice guy. I want to be the slayer of Bambi."
    -David Dearth

    "Despite all the muscle [Ronnie Coleman] carries on his frame, he knows that I'm a threat and I strike fear in his heart. He remembers the days I used to spank him onstage."
    -Kevin Levrone

    "you want to know the truth..I should have beat Yates when he had one arm..that's the truth...YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!"
    -Kevin Levrone "MMM"

    "Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety and no doubt - just absolute confidence in yourself." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • #2
    lol... I like those. Good stuff. thanks Mr. I


    • #3
      "If you always do what you've always'll always get what you always got"
      -Ronnie Coleman

      smartest thing ronnie has ever said. to many people spend years in the gym staying the same because they get comfortable doing what they have always done.


      • #4
        "Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety and no doubt - just absolute confidence in yourself." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

        isn't that the damn truth.


        • #5
          Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
          "If you always do what you've always'll always get what you always got"
          -Ronnie Coleman

          smartest thing ronnie has ever said. to many people spend years in the gym staying the same because they get comfortable doing what they have always done.
          amen to that bro


          • #6
            Ronnie -
            "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight."

            its a rough chosen sport lol

