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Ronnie Coleman looking great

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  • Ronnie Coleman looking great

    Selling new cream
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  • #2
    looking great isn't a term id use to describe that look. good condition but that's it. the only thing that hasn't shrunk drastically is his torso. wasn't an issue when his shoulders were wide as a house and he had 75 inch arms, but now he looks like he has some sort of disease/alien look. it's not the shrinking that has ruined him. it's the actual look and shape his body is left with now that all the crazy mass is gone.

    Your going to point to the fact that he's in his 50's and for that age he looks great. I will just make this 1 point and move on... Mike Ohearn..

    Mike never played the 'destroy my body' game in the gym and now look at the difference between them. One looks like a god and the other looks like a turd. Mike and Ronnie are comparable because both were given amazing genetics. Ronnie has now ruined his. The point could be made that Ronnie took his genetics to a higher level and you'd be right. But it's hard to look away from how bad he looks now in comparison.


    • #3
      The thing that strikes me with every current picture of him that I see regardless of conditioning is how it looks uncomfortable/painful to even stand.


      • #4
        Yea he looks very uncomfortable. I can't make out if it's because he is in physical pain or if he just knows he isn't what he used to be and has a hard time exuding confidence like he used to.


        • #5
          Poor guy. Ruined himself quite bad. How ironic he's promoting a cream called shrink lol


          • #6
            He's constantly post op. You can see his back ain't right that's how I stand now lol


            • #7
              I don't know what's sadder - his physical state, or the fact that he's reduced to standing in his shorts hawking some bogus cream. :noo:


              • #8
                Wonder how much money he has


                • #9
                  Looks great in that pic.


                  • #10
                    Ronnie responds to the haters.

                    "You guys know I don't really respond to stupidity but when you question my honesty and integrity, I gotta say something. First of all the product that I'm endorsing is no fake ass product. This product like every other product that I've endorsed including my own I tested on myself and to back up my test I used my wife to test on her. Secondly and lastly I'm no sellout, the few dollars I made to endorse this product no way gets me out of debt because I have houses and cars that are paid for and I own my own supplement company. My real fans and friends know my character so I'm not gonna go on and on trying to prove a point. All I'm going to say is this product works and it's not fake. I've used creams and oils throughout my entire 8 Mr Olympia wins. The creams worked back then and this cream works now. Of course it's no magic pill that you take and instantly you have abs. Just like with any other product, you have to put in work for the results. For all those talking trash, you go out and win 8 Olympia's and have 6 surgeries and turn 51. I want to see you guys post your pictures after you have achieved what I've achieved."


                    • #11
                      What's up with his arm?


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Such mature density but looks kind of odd


                          • #14
                            Gotta be some type of injury? My pops recently tore his tricep and tendon away at his elbow, and it swelled up like that. Poor guy. We were lifting together a few months ago and he was doing db flyes. Did the 75's no problem for 8 reps...then i say shit! U wanna try the 85's? I was just kidding around but he wanted to prove to me that the old man still got it. So i hand him the 85's, (he's 67 years old so thats a good amount of weight for somebody pushing 70) and on the 3 rep i heard a loud pop. Yeah, its my


                            • #15
                              Lol he out angled the fuck out of Kai.

                              The elbow thing might be Olecranon Bursitis. Olecranon Bursitis is the pointy bone at the tip of the elbow | Hand Surgeons in East Central Florida

