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Does trouble follow anyone else like a shadow..

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  • Does trouble follow anyone else like a shadow..

    ..besides me? Seriously? I dont start trouble, but it always finds me. I purposly spent money for tables and bottle service to be away from the assholes in the crowd, and the biggest assholes, were the ones at the table next to us.

    One minute Im getting a drink, next minute, some guy dives on top of me, and Im beating his head in, I even got cracked with one of those metal poles they use to mark lines for the people coming in, nice gash in my side, with a cracked rib, and a broken hand. It just never fails....

    oh and no arrest this time, ran like hell

  • #2
    damn man, when was this bro


    • #3
      Sat night, in Manhattan. I still dont even know, how it started or who threw the first punch, but it did start a chain reaction of fights, that we got caught in, in the street, once I heard those sirens, we were gone


      • #4
        Originally posted by Doom
        Sat night, in Manhattan. I still dont even know, how it started or who threw the first punch, but it did start a chain reaction of fights, that we got caught in, in the street, once I heard those sirens, we were gone
        if its bad here i could imagine there bro. One place I wouldnt go no more is Across the border to the clubs. :(


        • #5
          Actually I was surprised, its an upscale place. We spent like 2000 on the table and booze, no one under 25 in the place, just drunk assholes with beer muscles


          • #6
            u already know ym responc eto ru question :p


            • #7
              im from NYC what place was this at?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Doom
                Actually I was surprised, its an upscale place. We spent like 2000 on the table and booze, no one under 25 in the place, just drunk assholes with beer muscles

                i could just imagine the chaos inside the place man. Never been in a fight like that before. And it sucks here bro, cause everyone knows everyone.:(


                • #9
                  That sounds like it was wild bro.IM glad you werent arrested. Upscale club! Just goes to prove there are assholes in EVERY crowd. I just got assault charges dropped.Im home bound for a while.


                  • #10
                    You have an uncanny ablility to draw trouble...I'm starting to wonder if someone has put the 'whammy' on you or something.


                    • #11
                      The silver lining - "No arrest" :D


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shibby
                        The silver lining - "No arrest" :D

                        very true!


                        • #13
                          Doom....whatever happened to your plan to hide out in suburbia and just lay low for awhile?


                          • #14
                            Civic, its the old OHM, its called DEEP now
                            I was out in LI until my hearing, hearing is said and done, and Im back here where I have to be for purposes pertaining, hitman


                            • #15

