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can anyone read and translate this?

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  • can anyone read and translate this?

    Am 3. Dezember wurde mein Sohn gegen 18 Uhr in der Innenstadt von einer Gruppe tuerkischer Jugendlicher angepoebelt und schliesslich von einem der Jugendlichen zusammengeschlagen. Obwohl mein Sohn den Schlaeger auf eine erst kuerzlich bei ihm durchgefuehrte schwere Kopfoperation hinwies, die durch eine ca. 20 cm lange Narbe auf der Stirn unmoeglich zu uebersehen ist, bekam er einen Faustschlag mitten ins Gesicht. Nach ambulanter Versorgung im Krankenhaus, fuhr ich anschliessend mit meinem Sohn zur Wuelfrather Polizeiwache um Anzeige zu erstatten. Dort aber mussten wir feststellen, dass der wachhabende Beamte sich Gedanken darum machte, ob mein Sohn eventuell einer rechtsradikalen Gesinnung nachhaengt. Den Verdacht hierfuer begruendete er mit den sehr kurzen Haaren meines Sohnes, die ihm nach einer Chemotherapie ausgefallen waren. Weder ich noch mein Sohn sind Anhaenger einer rechtsradikalen Gesinnung. Es kann unmoeglich sein, dass man sich noch dafuer rechtfertigen muss, von!
    wem auch immer verpruegelt worden zu sein.

    Kommentar des Sober Autors:
    So sieht es in unserem Deutschland aus. Die Bullen sind nur bezahlte Geldeintreiber (DIE DU AUCH NOCH BEZAHLST VON DEINEN STEUERN,,...)!
    Wenn man die Taeter schnappt, wird sich dein Sohn wohl entschuldigen muessen, weil er sich nicht hat tot schlagen lassen!

    Klingt zwar etwas Zynisch, aber Kanacken duerfen das in Deutschland!

    In diesem Sinne

    I apologize if it's anything bad but i keep getting these emails notifying me that the [email protected] couldn't deliver the email. it also comes with an attachment but i know better than to open it. i've gotten one or two a day for like the past 2 weeks. can anyone help? i'm actually pretty curious to see what it says. does anyone at least know what language it is?

  • #2
    i use to translate junk... this is what babelfish says...

    On 3 December my son was angepoebelt against 18 o'clock in the city center by a group of Turkish young people and finally together-struck by one the young people. Although my son the racquet referred to one only recently with it accomplished heavy head operation, by one approx.. 20 cm long scar on the forehead to survey impossible is, got he a punch in the middle in the face. To ambulatory supply in the hospital, I drove afterwards with my son to the Wuelfrather police station around announcement to refund. There however we had to state that the sergeant of the guard an official thought about whether my son possibly after-hangs a right-wing extremist convicition. For this it justified the suspicion with the very short hair of my son, which had failed it after a chemotherapy. Neither I nor my son are trailers of a right-wing extremist convicition. It can be impossible that one must still justify oneself for it, of! whom to have been also always flogged.

    Comment of the Sober of author: Thus it looks in our Germany. The bulls are only paid money A drivers (WHICH YOU ALSO STILL PAY FROM YOUR TAXES,,...)! if one the authors snatch, your son to excuse will probably have themselves, because it could not be struck dead! Something Zynisch sounds, but Kanacken may in Germany! In this sense

    sounds like some sorta scam to me. just block the email.


    • #3
      Turk has something to do with it?


      • #4
        wtf? ok now can someone translate the english to make some sense? :(
        anyways, thanks SANA. i'm gonna use that babelfish to translate some of the other ones. but ain't that some shit, i'm getting junk emails in different laguages. :breakit:


        • #5
          Sounds like the author's son got into a fight with some young Turkish men in some German city (for those who don't know, Germany has a lot of ethnic Turks and there has been tension between them and skinheads) and when he went to the police station to report it, they author and his son were accused of being skinheads by the police due to the fact that the son had recently had chemotherapy and had lost his hair.

          The rest of this is a lament that this is what Germany is like today and your tax euros are supporting the situation, etc. Exactly what the guy wants you to do about it is not clear.


          • #6
            Here's a link where you can get a pretty clear translation word by word of what the e-mail says:



            • #7
              Did NJJuicer write that :rofl:

