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Constant Headaches

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  • Constant Headaches

    For the past week or so I have had a constant headache. Get up with it, have it during the day, and go to bed with it. It's not the kind that doesn't allow me to do things, just a constant dull nagging pain. It feels like much pressure behind my eyes, kind of like a sinus headache, but isn't, I have suffered allergy problems for as long as I can remember, and this headache IS different, I know when my sinuses are acting up. I usually stay year round on 200mg/week Enanthate, but run a 12 week cycle of 400mg/week Enanthate and 20mg/day Anavar(Oxandrin) twice a year. All BTG stuff from the pharmacy. It never has bothered me before, so I don't think, but really don't know if the AAS could be the culprit. Also, during the 12 week period on, I take 1/2mg EOD Arimidex. My cycle is relatively mild, but again I don't know. Anyway of you guys have any ideas? Thanks--BB

  • #2


    • #3
      A few questions for ya...... Is it worse at any particular time of the day on any particular position? Whereabouts on your head is the headache? Does it get worse on straining? Do you have any associated visual symptoms? Have you got a family history of migraines? Any other associated symptoms (sensory loss/change, muscle control problems, vomiting, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness etc)?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Face
        A few questions for ya...... Is it worse at any particular time of the day on any particular position? Whereabouts on your head is the headache? Does it get worse on straining? Do you have any associated visual symptoms? Have you got a family history of migraines? Any other associated symptoms (sensory loss/change, muscle control problems, vomiting, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness etc)?

        The pain is almost directly behind my eyes and my forehead for the most part. Same dull sensation regardless of my position. No change when lifting, if anything maybe a bit less throb, which I find weird.. Vision is fine, no history of migraines. No nausea, light sensitivity, no neck stiffness, loss/change of muscle control. Besides the ache, all else seems fine. I would almost say it was a sinus headache if I hadn't experienced those kind of headaches many times before. I know it isn't my sinuses.

        STONECOLD. I thought it might be my blood pressure being a bit high, but since high blood pressure is supposed to be "the silent killer", there is usually no indication you have a problem until you fall over with a stroke or heart attack. However, I went to the doctor last week and my BP was fine, plus, I have a digital monitor at home and I keep an eye on it constantly. It's a mystery to me, but it sure makes me have to push myself to start a workout. However, once I get started I stay at it, pain and all, although again, it seems to be less when I'm lifting. But within a half-hour after Im through it's back to the same degree. ?????? BB


        • #5
          Could possibly be the arimidex? Estrogen is essential for the brain. Just a thought.


          • #6
            i get low-pain nagging headaches if I eat or drink something with aspartame or nutra sweet in it. Most protein shakes use that as a sweetener. It causes cluster migranes in some people like myself. Some times you can handle a small amount, but once you intake too much you get the headache. See if you've added any newer foods or drinks into your diet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dreamgirl
              i get low-pain nagging headaches if I eat or drink something with aspartame or nutra sweet in it. Most protein shakes use that as a sweetener. It causes cluster migranes in some people like myself. Some times you can handle a small amount, but once you intake too much you get the headache. See if you've added any newer foods or drinks into your diet.
              Nothing new added to my diet, liquid or otherwise. I've never been bothered by Aspartame. I'm a Diet Coke junkie. I probably drink 6 or 7 a day, plus 3 Muscle Milk shakes that I think has Aspartame, but I've done that for years with no problems. One thing I have added is Tonalin's CLA, (Conjugated Linolic Acid), 3x/day. Could that be it? Doesn't seem too likely to me. BB


              • #8
                Are you taking Tabs or the Liquid A-dex I just started taking the liquid form and am expirencing the same headaches but they have stopped the last two days. I have been on it since last Monday wich let's me think my body is adjusting to it ????


                • #9
                  INTIMID8OR3-- Thanks for the advice, I'll stop it and see. Good to hear from you again.

                  BILLB-- I am taking the tabs. Never seemed to bother me b4 though. It could be the Adex I guess, hell I don't know, really. I'll just start eliminating stuff until the headaches go away. Starting with the CLA as INTIM suggested.



                  • #10
                    If they start from your eye then they could possibly be cluster headaches :agree:

                    Do you get any water from the eye with the headache?


                    • #11
                      Good luck bro let us know


                      • #12
                        You should get your eyes checked...although you think your vision is fine, if it's a little bit off and you need glasses, that can cause headaches. Also, the nutrasweet problems some people have develop suddenly after long time use, cut back on the stuff just for a few days to see if it changes at all. Headaches are sometimes warning signs...if it continues go to a doctor. They can do tests to make sure you don't have something severe going on. One more thought, do you have your wisdom teeth or are they bothering you at all? They will sometimes cause headaches immitating sinus headaches. Have you used tylenol or anything?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Puddles
                          You should get your eyes checked...although you think your vision is fine, if it's a little bit off and you need glasses, that can cause headaches. Also, the nutrasweet problems some people have develop suddenly after long time use, cut back on the stuff just for a few days to see if it changes at all. Headaches are sometimes warning signs...if it continues go to a doctor. They can do tests to make sure you don't have something severe going on. One more thought, do you have your wisdom teeth or are they bothering you at all? They will sometimes cause headaches immitating sinus headaches. Have you used tylenol or anything?
                          I don't think it's my eyes, I had laser surgery 5 years ago and I see fine, 20/25 beyond my arms, but do need reading glasses. Someone in an earlier post asked if my eyes watered, and the answer is no. GOD, I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN CUT BACK ON THE COKES, I TRULY AM ADDICTED, LOL, but I'll give that a shot too after a few days off the CLA. I do have my wisdom teeth, but they have not bothered me at all. The only thing I take for pain is enteric coated aspirin. I've got some prescription pain medication, but I hate to take it. Makes me goofy as hell. BB


                          • #14
                            Goofier than usual? :D


                            Hope you feel better soon!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Puddles
                              Goofier than usual? :D


                              Hope you feel better soon!
                              LOL, Yea, believe it or not, MUCH goofier than usual. When I take them, they distort time for me. 5 minutes seems like an hour, I can't handle that! And thanks, I will be back to normal soon, or, as you seem to recognize, what is NORMAL for me, lol. BB

