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13 Guage Today - Ouch!

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  • 13 Guage Today - Ouch!

    so for the first time ever, my iron levels checked in at the maximum allowable donation level (18.3). i usually check in around 18.9 so was never able to donate before. little did i know, that they use a 13 guage freakin' harpoon to draw blood! then it took two nurses to get the damn thing into my vein. now i don't have any problems with needles, but anything larger then a bicycle spoke makes me wince. of course they call me to go first before my girlfriend... good thing, cuase if i saw the process and had time to think about it, i probably would've chickened out. the girlfriend went too - she's a trooper :)
    Last edited by GearTripper; 08-18-04, 03:12 AM.

  • #2
    I was under the impression that the biggest needle size was 18G. An 18 is the size of a pencil almost. That would make a 13G the size of a tooth brush. lol


    • #3
      nah, for phlebotomy purposes they'll go down to 11 in most jurisdictions, larger for other purposes such as biopsies and marrow donation. but you're absolutely right bouncer, they're like being stabbed with a #2 fucking pencil.
      or for piercings, for larger items you can go with what are for all intents and purposes a hole puncher for ear lobes and all, like 0 and 00 gauge, i saw a guy get that done on the cartilage of his ear and almost threw up in my mouth
      the more and more I learn about the people in this board the more I understand they're all upstanding intelligent and caring people, I can't donate blood anymore because of having lived in europe, as if anyone receiving blood hasn't eaten ground beef in the last 10 years, no mad cow disease here...


      • #4
        ouch. MIght as well use a damn pipe. Sounds painful.:(


        • #5
          Originally posted by hlcn8
          I can't donate blood anymore because of having lived in europe, as if anyone receiving blood hasn't eaten ground beef in the last 10 years, no mad cow disease here...
          Same here. I think they say if you've lived in europe within the past 10 years, after that I think you're ok. I left italy in 98 so i'll be able to donate in 4 years or so. My father was telling me a story about how in the military they have what they call a GG shot. Everybody lines up for it before they deploy to third world countries. He said the needle is as thick as a nail and the stuff comes out like frozen glue. Goes right in the ass too. He said they have a little bench with hand grippers just for it.


          • #6
            I never give blood. When younger, I didn't because doing so can hinder athletic performance for a period afterwards, and I was involved in sports. Now, I don't, because it'd be irresponsible of me to do so given the drugs in my body; steroids during cycles, and Propecia/Nizoral/Minoxidil allergy meds from March til' November.


            • #7
              Originally posted by hitmansb
              I never give blood. When younger, I didn't because doing so can hinder athletic performance for a period afterwards, and I was involved in sports. Now, I don't, because it'd be irresponsible of me to do so given the drugs in my body; steroids during cycles, and Propecia/Nizoral/Minoxidil allergy meds from March til' November.
              good point - i should add that i only attempt to donate between cycles after everything has cleared my system. on another note; you are able to anonymously select to have your blood discarded and not be used for donation purposes after your give it. it's a little bar code sticker that bsically says YES or NO - so you don't have to worry about someone else getting anything bad that might be in your blood - plus you reap the benefits from the blood-letting.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GearTripper
                good point - i should add that i only attempt to donate between cycles after everything has cleared my system. on another note; you are able to anonymously select to have your blood discarded and not be used for donation purposes after your give it. it's a little bar code sticker that bsically says YES or NO - so you don't have to worry about someone else getting anything bad that might be in your blood - plus you reap the benefits from the blood-letting.
                Don't they run tests on the blood before they use it? I mean, I wouldn't mind to have your blood, but what if some dude is taking straight unsolubilized finaplix? Or some girl gets a batch from some guy who's been using sust? Wouldn't they catch it on their own or do they not check for these levels?


                • #9
                  i had a spinal tap done last november -- the pin they used was the size of a fucking pencil

                  the pain was unreal


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by beefcake
                    Don't they run tests on the blood before they use it? I mean, I wouldn't mind to have your blood, but what if some dude is taking straight unsolubilized finaplix? Or some girl gets a batch from some guy who's been using sust? Wouldn't they catch it on their own or do they not check for these levels?
                    yes, they DO check for STD's and some other shit anyways. i don't think they test for anabolics though... which is why i personally prefer to donate between cycles.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by house1
                      i had a spinal tap done last november -- the pin they used was the size of a fucking pencil

                      the pain was unreal
                      pussy ;)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by house1
                        i had a spinal tap done last november -- the pin they used was the size of a fucking pencil

                        the pain was unreal
                        lol...been there...spinal taps are pretty bad. had one two years ago...when I was growing up my pop kept penicillin and needles for vaccinating hogs....if we got sick he would shoot us up...I dont know what size they were but I've never seen one that big since...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by house1
                          i had a spinal tap done last november -- the pin they used was the size of a fucking pencil

                          the pain was unreal
                          Try getting an eppidural while you're in full labor.

                          The blood donation trucks are all over the place here, due to the hurricane blood is in short supply.

                          GT & others who donate, props to you all!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Puddles
                            Try getting an eppidural while you're in full labor.

                            I am guessing the labor pains mask the epidural pain.

                            I have had two epidurals. They were not fun at all, but were not as painful as I thought they would be.

                            Also, I use 12-14g IV needlesin my pts that are bad off and traumas. It lets me pump fluids in real fast.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by beefcake
                              Same here. I think they say if you've lived in europe within the past 10 years, after that I think you're ok. I left italy in 98 so i'll be able to donate in 4 years or so. My father was telling me a story about how in the military they have what they call a GG shot. Everybody lines up for it before they deploy to third world countries. He said the needle is as thick as a nail and the stuff comes out like frozen glue. Goes right in the ass too. He said they have a little bench with hand grippers just for it.
                              Yup, don't ask for the correct spelling but it's something to the effect of "gamma-globulin" shot. It's delivered IM, and because of the thickness it doesn't disipate forever. in other words, the whole drive home you're leaning on your hip to sit! that shits brutal... I didn't know it was a 10 year limit, I'll be able to donate again in a few years then, i kinda liked having an excuse not to though...

