Your avatar is funny as hell. What the hell kind of dance move is Ashley Simpson doing there? Looks like the damn Farmer Ho-down. lol. Funny as hell when she started signing the wrong song. She actually blamed it on acid-reflux disease. lol
Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
Ya I saw the video. She looked like a jackass. But im just trieng to figure out what the hell kind of dance she is doing. She looks like a fucken retard.
Not sure what the stupid dance is called but it sure did add to the stupidity of her screw up
Originally posted by urso8up
So you have seen the one with the Mili Vanilli comparison because she almost does that same dance as those two back in the day?
Not sure what the stupid dance is called but it sure did add to the stupidity of her screw up
Wow ...I didnt think about Milli Vanilli...Thats ironic...
Thats the funniest thing I've seen in a long time and IM glad it happened to her ... :rofl: