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Life as a hot dog

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  • Life as a hot dog

    I think that I have figured out what it is like to go through life as a hot dog. I just returned from getting an MRI on my shoulder, and that was the tightest place I have ever been. I had to hold my right arm above me, just so that my shoulders would fit in the opening. :( Then my right arm started to go to sleep. :(

    I had one done last year, but it was in a bigger one, at the hospital. That one wasn't so bad, but this one was very uncomfortable.

  • #2
    Hope whatever ails ya gets figured out and fixed.

    Did they at least have music going in there?


    • #3
      "Hey Norm, If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself"

      "I dunno"

      "Well, I would. I'd smother myself in mustard and relish. I'd be delicious."


      • #4
        wow that sucks


        • #5
          I've crammed myself into an MRI tube before....shoulders were crushed up against the sides of the tube, rounded forward. Definately not a comfortable spot to be in.


          • #6
            Originally posted by hitmansb
            I've crammed myself into an MRI tube before....shoulders were crushed up against the sides of the tube, rounded forward. Definately not a comfortable spot to be in.

            what if your a really big mother F*cker, how do they do that?


            • #7
              My shoulders are damn wide...but they don't care. They just have you squeeze in; all they care about is getting whatever part of your body you're having the image done on in the proper position....the rest of you doesn't matter. Now, if you're immensely fat and have waist size bigger than the tube, I guess you have to wait for an appointment at a hospital or clinic that has the larger flat-bed style MRI machine.


              • #8
                Yeah, I think that it's just a tear. Bad enough, but it can be fixed. :)

                You're right about them just squeezing you in there. I still wonder how good the pictures will be of my shoulder with them hunched up like that.


                • #9
                  there are open air MRIs

