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Question about Christmas

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  • Question about Christmas

    For those of you who don't believe in Jesus Christ, do you still celebrate christmas? And if so, why? What are you celebrating?

    No religious debates please, I just know some people around here in my life always talk about how much they love christmas and this time of year, they all exchange gifts, decorate their houses, but none are religious. It really confuses me.

  • #2
    No. I don't celebrate it. My mother does, and I go to her house. But for me it is about visiting family and friends. I give gifts because it is expected, and because I believe it is an appropriate time to do so.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Severedties
      No. I don't celebrate it. My mother does, and I go to her house. But for me it is about visiting family and friends. I give gifts because it is expected, and because I believe it is an appropriate time to do so.
      fair enough. sounds like a good honest explanation.


      • #4
        I'm the opposite - I believe in Jesus Christ and hate Christmas more than any of my nonreligious friends or anybody I know for that matter!


        • #5
          I celebrate it cos we get public holidays here, and the exchanging of gifts is fun!


          • #6
            To many christmas is no longer about jesus. It's about giving gifts. It might have originated from christ, but it's changed into something different.


            • #7
              I'm not religious in any way. But I do exchange gifts, decorate the house (sometimes), and celebrate the (holiday season). I don't call it Christmas for the same reason I feel it's ok for me to celebrate. There is very little religion in the holidays anymore. I mean how did celebrating the birth of a religious icon turn into who can put the most crap on their house.

              I went to my daughter school play and they no longer do anything that is religious at all. It's all Frosty and Santa.

              The teacher said they don't want to offend non-Christians by involving religion. I almost fell over. It's a religious holiday how can you not involve religion?


              • #8
                Originally posted by beefcake
                To many christmas is no longer about jesus. It's about giving gifts. It might have originated from christ, but it's changed into something different.
                According to the Bible, the 3 wisemen brought gifts to Jesus when he was born. That his how giving gifts came into play, there is nothing new about that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Severedties
                  No. I don't celebrate it. My mother does, and I go to her house. But for me it is about visiting family and friends. I give gifts because it is expected, and because I believe it is an appropriate time to do so.
                  :agree: yes im the same way my mom loves x-mas why i dont know probably cuzz of the family thing. but im to broke to give out gifts, i need to save for more GH:rofl:


                  • #10
                    Christmas Rules! :fufool:


                    • #11
                      The politically correct crap is really starting to get on my nerves...towns scrapping their nativity scenes, schools walking on's out of control. I think we Christians should give everyone else a dose of it, and scream bloody murder about being offended at the very mention of Hannuka, Ramadan, or any other religious celebration that is contrary to our beliefs. It's so bloody ridiculous.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Keiser
                        According to the Bible, the 3 wisemen brought gifts to Jesus when he was born. That his how giving gifts came into play, there is nothing new about that.
                        Yes, that's how it originated, but to many, they just like the idea of giving and receiving gifts. Even if they don't believe in the origin of the tradition. Kind of like how halloween originated from the idea of scaring away demons, but now it's just a big candy orgy for little kids. Easter is almost the same way too.


                        • #13
                          It has just became the time of year for me to show others how important they are to me in my life. Most everyone I know believes in god and there celebrating the friends, family and good fortune god has given them over the year. I am the same, I just don't believe god did it.


                          • #14
                            i celebrate but have no faith at all. i totally agree with the people who do it to see family and friends. At my parents house it have never been a religous thing, it is when we can all see each other since we are so far apart.


                            • #15
                              BAAA humbug!!!! :D

                              My house in the spring is my present!!!!

