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Lean Pockets Ultra

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  • Lean Pockets Ultra

    Apparently Hot Pockets has made a new product line aimed at the healthier crowd. These hot pocket ultras come in 3 flavors, meatball mozarella, supreme pizza, and ham and cheese. Each one is 200cals/6g of fat/19carbs(7g of fiber)/and 24g of protein. They are made with whole wheat, and i believe have whey isolate in them.

    They are realitively cheap too, $2 per a box of 2.

    Not bad for a meal. $2 for 400 calories.
    As soon as my diet is over I will be pounding these like no other.

  • #2
    I dont know if I would pound them like no other bro. Not exactlly the most healthy of cals. Lots of fillers and fake meats and such. Not really a great muscle builder.


    • #3
      I have been dieting for 8 weeks, and have 6 more. All I can think of is the food that I will "Pound". You know the point in the diet where that happens. I find myself talking about all the food I will eat once the diet is done. It will pass quickly I am sure, but let me have my fun :) I have to imagine something to get me through these low cal days.


      • #4
        I have tried them, they taste pretty good


        • #5
          Drink extra water with those, I'm sure they're loaded with sodium.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Severedties
            I have been dieting for 8 weeks, and have 6 more. All I can think of is the food that I will "Pound". You know the point in the diet where that happens. I find myself talking about all the food I will eat once the diet is done. It will pass quickly I am sure, but let me have my fun :) I have to imagine something to get me through these low cal days.
            give yourself a cheat day bro. like on sunday order a large pizza for yourself. it will help with the cravings and speed up your metabolism.


            • #7
              Got a show in 6 weeks. I cannot justify a cheat meal at this point. I will cheat after the show. Although I am getting mean as hell lately. I feel sorry for all the people I have to deal with me on a regular basis.


              • #8
                lol, nice man, keep it up, all the dieting is worthit, its soo fun to plan out the day after the comp, hit up I-hop, thats the shit!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Severedties
                  Got a show in 6 weeks. I cannot justify a cheat meal at this point. I will cheat after the show. Although I am getting mean as hell lately. I feel sorry for all the people I have to deal with me on a regular basis.

                  I allow one cheat meal a week until I'm 4 weeks out.....The cheat meal (like bouncer said) will actually shock your body and speed up your metabolism, not to mention making the diet a lot easier.


                  • #10
                    For the cheat meal you eat as much as you want?

                    I could put down an entire pizza.
                    What would be an example of a cheat meal.


                    • #11
                      if ur gonna start using cheat meals, id recommend staying away from pizza. sure that would help A LOT with recharging you psychologically, but its not going to 'rev up' your metabolism. carb ups are where its at for cheat meals, and i think u told me ur already doing that. once a week, add in around 200g of extra carbs (or more). spread it out throughout the whole day. you don't have to stick with clean carbs there--some sugar, white bread, pita, pancakes, waffles, pasta, etc... all thats fine. just keep fat that day low.

                      though since you are doing very well with your current setup, you might just wanna stick with whatever you are doing and not add in anything new when its not needed.


                      • #12
                        i will stick to easy carbups. I just add 300 carbs and drop fat and protein a bit so that teh calories are only upped 600 for the day.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by glowalla
                          if ur gonna start using cheat meals, id recommend staying away from pizza.
                          Screw that--I haven't had a cheat meal in weeks and I'm having pizza this weekend, damn it! We'll see if I follow through-last time I claimed I was doing that, I wimped out and got my wife pissed at me cause I promised we would have pizza and had Bouncers tuna mash instead!

