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regarding defering for a semester

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  • regarding defering for a semester

    Well guys I haven't been on here that much as of late and I wish I could say everything is peaches and cream but I'm really struggling at school. My grades are not that bad but my motivation is absolutely shot, I'm very depressed and feel trapped, my parents and advisor are telling me to take next semester off, I'm just curious who has taken one off and THEN returned. If I take it off I will go back to working part time at a motorcycle shop and doing construction, it would be nice to just focus on that stuff and lifting again, I seem to get very wrapped up on social drama and school and the line just blurs, rarely sleep here. I guess I'm just afraid that if I leave that will be it, I'll be content enough in my jobs and life and just settle for that. Thoughts ?

  • #2
    Personally I wouldn't do it, because it's very easy to get misdirected and not go back. However, you're not motivated right now and that's a problem to. I say stick it out and get it out of the way. Perhaps it's just a phase right now and it'll pass. I've seen too many people procrastinate and put off finishing school cause things are too busy in their current situation and they get content.


    • #3
      thank you, bump for more opinions


      • #4
        I stayed out of school for 7 years and made great money. I had a good career etc but I hit a corporate ceiling (i.e. there were no more promotions available within my education level) so I've started back full time. I have a new found respect for school now that I probably wouldn't have had if I enrolled straight out of highshcool. I would tell you to stick it out because it's VERY hard to make the neccesary sacrifices to go back.


        • #5
          thank you bro, still bumpin this I want to hear what you all have to say


          • #6
            My suggestion to you, is to continue attending school don't take a semester off. I did and now i am not as motivated to go back. I got used to not doing any homework, or worrying about exams. If you are not as motivated for this semster, maybe trying to lower your load of classes. Take one or two courses instead!

            Good Luck!


            • #7
              Maybe you could just take 1 or 2 classes for a semester and work?Maybe even a online class?


              • #8

                I took at term off and it took me 10 yrs to get back. My workouts are suffering and I can only get in cardio right now. I will be finishing in June and am happy I stuck with it. I agree with red_devil1469 with drop from 3 or 4 classes to 1 or 2. You have to see this as an investment in yourself. I moved back to my hometown and hate it here for the most part, but I stuck it out. I am not motivated at all, but I am getting it done. Just hang in there and take a couple class instead of a full-load, this way you can keep on the colliegate path and get your workouts in.

                Good luck..


                • #9
                  thx bros I appreciate these words alot.

