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Dr. Phil "Shape Up" Thoughts?

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  • Dr. Phil "Shape Up" Thoughts?

    Anyone have thoughts on the new Dr. Phil program?

    I have two opinions (they might be just one with two reasons...):
    1. This guy is cashing in on a bunch of poor overweight people hooked on his line of BS.
    2. He is obviously not following his own program...

  • #2
    Re: Dr. Phil "Shape Up" Thoughts?

    Originally posted by sgbeeb

    2. He is obviously not following his own program...


    • #3


      • #4
        lol good points!


        • #5
          Well, I will support a brother in arms, he's a texan by god, lol.

          He is trying to MOTIVATE people who are on the road too diabetes due to obsetity or folks on way too obesity.

          For 50 something guy he's not in bad shape, propably pretty good.

          Everything he's talking about is true though.

          It's all a decision. On this board we've already made are decisions and are committed to the outcomes, we arm ourselves with better knowledge and better habits than most and walla we get better results.

          Dealing with peoples emotions and believes is at times very strange, some of the things people believe and don't know, and how they think is just well, not very right or effective. And then change in general is so very tough.

          And now we are finding out more and more about nutrition, things like how important insulin control is in maintaining a balanced eating plan. That insulin produces out of control cravings in many folks that makes self-control like being strapped down in an electric chair.

          It is tough tough tough.

          Bottom line is, he is trying and he will make a difference in many folks lifes, he will bring more awareness to the issue, all these things are good.

          On the program itself, he does make it sound like a self-control issue, when alot of it is insulin based with cravings, don't think he goes into this enough, yet in that format probably too much info.

          Basic thing is stop overeating.

          Nuff said.


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by spike1205
              who are you "amen"-ing? :confused:

              i think that he's teaching people to take changes to their life slowly and learn that it's not a "DIET" but a change to living a healthier lifestyle - getting rid of all the junk food around the house, incorporating a exercise into your life slowly... and stuff like that.

              i guess i'm just amazed at how many "inactive" people there are - but it's not like i've been ms. fitness all my life... lol, but i've definitely turned into a gymrat....


              • #8
                i was amening trip
                Dr. Phils book isnt a so-called diet but rather a lifestyle change thing--thats what i was amening --specifically "Bottom line is, he is trying and he will make a difference in many folks lifes, he will bring more awareness to the issue, all these things are good"

                some fat asses need a life change to get themselves going--not losing the five pounds to fit in your jeans but the 200 lbs so you dont die


                • #9
                  Ok, ok. I agree with the approach in principle. But bars and shakes and diet "pills"?? So, let me get this straight, on the one hand he puts out a book saying that it's not about "diets" and on the other he tells these folks to just eat his bars, drink his shakes and take his diet pills?? Come on...

                  BTW, I'm a Texan too. He just pisses me off.


                  • #10
                    Dr. Phil is a Parasite


                    • #11
                      Dr. Phil is stupid, should be Dr. Fraud. He is a scammer.


                      • #12
                        ? Dr. Phil is selling shakes and bars, and diet pills? Didn't know that. Is that true?


                        Factually 8% of people excercis regularly. Thus your are a rarity, even though it seems normal too you, it's very foreign to others.


                        • #13
                          Yes, see this site Shows all the products he's launching. What a turd.

                          Also, to add to the 8% statistic, 60% of American's are overweight. Among those, 40% of them are considered morbidly obese. That's the real shocker...


                          • #14

                            Hmmmmmmm, makes you think twice.

                            Well, one thing is for certain, if these folks commit to it it will be better than what they are doing.


                            • #15
                              America is full of fat asses. We are crazy lookin to most people. Most people ask me why I do what I do to my body. I get the "girls don't like huge guys" all the time. Good thing that I don't do it for girls then.

