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"Deal or No Deal"

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  • "Deal or No Deal"

    It's a show that is on only this week I belive on NBC. Howie Mandell(sp) is hosting it. It's a pretty great game show so far. It's 30 minutes into the first episode right now. They start with I think 28 cases. The contestant picks a case to start that they make a deal with but don't know what's in it. It could be as much as 1 million dollars. The contestant starts to pick multiple cases to start. Then each time the contestant picks a lower number of cases all at once. Between each picking session someone calls down from a booth "The Banker" and offers the contestant a certain amount of money to take and leave with or the contestant can say "No deal" continue to eliminate cases hopeing the they have ultimatly picked is worth more than the offer.

  • #2
    It's funny when they get greedy and end up with fuck all ..hey Shib!!


    • #3
      I love it. It was on tonight and I was at work.


      • #4
        They are playing it three nights a week now. It's lost some of it's newness so I just like to see it once it's down to them only picking one case at a time. Assuming they still have a chance for big money.


        • #5
          Never watched it. It has pretty good ratings but I cant stand the host so I stay away.


          • #6
            It'll do ok for some time, but soon, just like "greed" and "who wants to be a millionaire" will just fade away.


            • #7
              I like the show but the familys are so corny....... and I too hate the host.


              • #8
                its the only game show ive watched that always makes me yell out loud at the tv. i love it.


                • #9
                  I don't know that I hate Howie, but I think it is weird that he can not shake hands but can hug people. What kills me is I almost always pick a very small amount suitcase. And some of the people on the show, really surprise me. I can't get over how many guys cry on the show.


                  • #10
                    It's a good show to go on, you can win lots of money and you don't have to know shit...


                    • #11
                      I saw this show on Monday night, and OMFG what a joke.


                      • #12
                        I like how on each episode now they are doing something to shock the contestant. Like bring a family member to the show that they thought wouldn't be able to make it, One guy, who wanted to win enough and get his daughter a pony, was offered some money and a pony and they actually brought the pony on stage.


                        • #13
                          howie is a great host, and comedian in general. And I'm not surprised the show is a success.. It is a top game show around the world.. they saved the US for last to get to have it.


                          • #14
                            The first time I sas this show I thought it was kind of lame, but after that it gets addicting. I think it's funny how Howie knows every single models name. I sometimes wonder if he just says the first name that comes to his head.

