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Email Scam?

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  • Email Scam?

    This past week I recieved an email from some bank in Nigera claiming that I had some inheiritance (sp?) money that was owed to me. Normally I wouldnt even think twice about it, but I have communicated with them three times this week and they almost sound legit. :hmmm:
    Has anyone else heard of anything like this, or am I probably the most gullable person ever. I dont neccessarily enjoy getting my hopes up just to get kicked in the teeth.

  • #2
    bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I used to email these guys just to mess with them. He'll send you a pic and ask for your bank's all a scam. Unless you are actually Nigerian, in which case, maybe :D


    • #3
      Yeah it's a scam


      • #4
        I heard something like that happening to some guy on another board, its a scam bro.


        • #5
          i get those every month.....You cannot believe any bullshit you get in your email. On my campus I work in the information technology department and we get questions all the time from people uneducated about computers and wishing to know whether they should install files that say "they will protect them" or asking why they keep getting emails from porn companies after they replied and told the companies to stop sending them email......


          • #6
            Yeah, I should have known better. It would have been nice though. The daily 9 to 5 just gets old and any thought that it might be different is nice. People know that so they try to take advantage. Thanks for lookin out guys.


            • #7
              yeah, it's one of the biggest email scams going, check the Secret Service could report with them, or mess with them for the fun of it


              • #8
                This is one of the best known scams that exists. I can't believe people still fall for it after all these years.


                • #9
                  I get at least 4 of those a day, sometimes up to 8. All they want is your bank info so they can clean you out!


                  • #10
                    hahahahah..but email is secure and safe....hahahahah

