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Child ID programs?

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  • Child ID programs?

    I can't seem to find anything online in my area. Does anyone know what kind of places usually run these programs? What age does a child have to be? Does anyone participate in it and how often do you update your childrens info? I was thinking it would be something you could do annually? On a side note I think it would also make your children think about what kind of mistchief they get into as they get older, knowing there info is on file.

  • #2
    IDentAKid is one program that fingerprints and laminates your child's picture with the prints on an id card along with other personal info. I would call your local police station and ask them for what programs are available in your area. They usually work with schools for this stuff.


    • #3
      Puddles suggested what I would have. Call the local police or sheriffs office and see what they have for you. Also..go to this website and order a kit to keep with you at all times when traveling with your child....


      • #4
        why in the world would you do this?


        • #5
          Originally posted by goliath
          why in the world would you do this?
          :hmmm: Why wouldn't you do this?


          • #6
            Originally posted by goliath
            why in the world would you do this?

            Mainly for lost or kidnapped children. You keep their ID card with a recent photo, stats, and fingerprints with you so in the event something happens you have the info to give to the police.

            Shibby, for babies and infants I imagine you'd have to keep the photo's and info. updated frequently as they grow quickly, but for pre-school aged and older the usual updates are done yearly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shibby
              I can't seem to find anything online in my area. Does anyone know what kind of places usually run these programs? What age does a child have to be? Does anyone participate in it and how often do you update your childrens info? I was thinking it would be something you could do annually? On a side note I think it would also make your children think about what kind of mistchief they get into as they get older, knowing there info is on file.
              I know that your son is not in daycare (or should I say that is what I gather) but my son's daycare has a program that keeps everything up to date and an outside company comes in a takes pictures every 3-4 months etc. Long story short - you can always check with a local daycare too...


              • #8
                Ironic cause last night I was thinking that they should start storing DNA of newborn babies. That way you always have the person on file.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the help everyone. I'm sure it's obvious I'm a new parent :D


                  • #10
                    if i had a kid, i'd pray that someone WOULD come and take the little bastard! lol - j/k

