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Someone gave my dogs beer / Worth starting a fight over?

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  • Someone gave my dogs beer / Worth starting a fight over?

    Aight so I hosted a small gathering of about 20 or so people the other night at my house. Nothing out of control, but a little drinking going on. There were like 2 or 3 high school kids there that came with one of my friends. He said they were cool so I let them in. I just found out today that one of the high school kids, while he was out on my porch, gave my two 130lb German Shepards some of his beer. Someone told me it was only like half a beer between the two of them. I was furious, and was ready to beat someone's ass. I read up on it a little more and it seems like that small amount, especially for dogs that size, isn't very harmful at all. The dogs haven't been sick or anything, so I have cooled down a little. I'm still a little pissed off that the little fucker did it though, but I have no idea where he lives or of his phone number. Is it worth starting any shit over since he disrespected me in my house, or should I just let it slide? What would yall do?

  • #2
    I wouldnt worry about it. But then again I give my Boxer sips of my drink if I'm having one (every couple of months). Never too much but she deserves a little treat every now and then just like I do. If you didnt catch them doing it there isnt much that you can really do now except for tell them that it was disrespectful the next time you see them. If they apologize, then drop it. If they acts like punks, treat them like it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ROCKILLER
      I wouldnt worry about it. But then again I give my Boxer sips of my drink if I'm having one (every couple of months). Never too much but she deserves a little treat every now and then just like I do. If you didnt catch them doing it there isnt much that you can really do now except for tell them that it was disrespectful the next time you see them. If they apologize, then drop it. If they acts like punks, treat them like it.
      Thanks bro. Yeah the more I cool down I am starting to think I am just going to let it go, seeing as it wasn't all that much beer. Starting to realize its kind of a bitch move for a 20 year old to go lookin for a little high school kid anyway. Definately will be lookin for an apology next time if I see him again though.


      • #4
        While the beer isnt harmful to them I would still be pretty angry if someone took it upon themselves to give my animals beer.

        If your asking what I would do. I would beat the shit out of them. If your asking what is the right thing to do, let it go. :)


        • #5
          If you would have caught them then beat the shit out of them. It's a simple lack of respect. To go after them now would just seem highschoolish itself.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shibby
            If you would have caught them then beat the shit out of them. It's a simple lack of respect. To go after them now would just seem highschoolish itself.
            Exactly what I was thinking. Lets just hope for their sake I don't see them again. Last time I let anyone underage into my house for a "gathering".


            • #7
              Originally posted by The_Grinder
              Last time I let anyone underage into my house for a "gathering".

              Yeah, why would you want high schoolers drinking at your house (unless they're chicks, LOL).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Control
                Yeah, why would you want high schoolers drinking at your house (unless they're chicks, LOL).

                I hope you're not serious.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Puddles
                  I hope you're not serious.

                  Obviously I'm not.


                  • #10
                    i'm afraid to know of what might happen if they show up again... sounds like young idiots doing something and not thinking of the consequences. it's not their dog, and they shouldn't make decisions about giving the dogs alcohol.


                    • #11
                      Dude that's what happens when you let high schoolers into your house. Your lucky they didn't tear something down. Let it go, but dont let em back in.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Control
                        Yeah, why would you want high schoolers drinking at your house (unless they're chicks, LOL).
                        ^that made me laugh.


                        • #13
                          Me too, brought back memories


                          • #14
                            You don't want to beat up some under age kid, and then when the cops come to talk to you about it you would have to explain that he was drinking in your house, and that would be bad too. All though it would be fun to give him a beat down, it wouldn't be worth it in the end, instead look for your appology and make him think your gonna beat him up and scare the crap out of him, also fun.


                            • #15
                              I beat the hell out of a punk who thought it would be funny to give a boxer puppy of mine some beer. The pup was only 8 weeks old and I had got him at 5 weeks. I hated the kid and he thought it was hilarious. He will never do that again. That was about 4 years ago not long after I began working out. I swung first, then he swung and it was on. I broke his nose, took a chunk out of his face and was hammering his head in the ground when they pulled me off. My dogs are like my kids since I do not have any children. I don't regret it in any way. I was threatened the next day by his mother, but nothing came out of it. He was 17 and I was 21 or 22. He deserved it. Not to mention the kid outweighed me by a good 50#


