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Anyone ever break a toe?

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  • Anyone ever break a toe?

    I was moving a dog house for my ex on Saturday... It was a good size dog house so me and a buddy was carrying it out. There was a cinder block on the ground that I should have moved totally out of the way. We were carrying it to my truck and I tripped a little over the edge of the pen and I stubbed my big toe on my right foot on that stupid cinder block. I had sandals on so that didn't help either. I went down and got back up. We finished loading the dog house but I knew something wasn't right because I couldn't put pressure on it. My aunt is a nurse practicioner, so I went and saw her. She said it was broke, but did not need set. It will sure slow down my days in the gym. I did it Saturday afternoon and now it's Wed. The blood from the bruising is going away and the swelling has went down but it still hurts bad. I am going to try taping it to the toe next to it tomorrow but man, if I step on it just right or put pressure on it, I can't think of much else. Anyone else ever break a big toe????


  • #2
    i broke the one next to it. it sucks but it will heal its self.


    • #3
      I would be carefull about taping it. If there is hairline or incomplete fracture and you put tension pulling the fracture apart, it will heal wrong.


      • #4
        I broke my big toe in a similar way. I was in a rush, turned and hit the baseboard with my big toe. It hurt pretty bad and by that night it was so swollen I couldn't get my sneaker on. Went and got it x-rayed the next day and sure enough, it was broken.

        The Dr. said they don't set broken toes but to keep pressure off it when I had to walk, he made a pillow of gauze pads and taped the pillow under the ball of my foot so that it elevated the front of the foot. This way, when I stepped down I wasn't putting pressure on the broken toe. I had a lot of walking to do back then getting back and forth from work in NYC so I got a comfy pair of slippers and wore them for about a month until I could wear shoes again.

        Good luck with the toe. Keep it elevated as much as possible and try making a pillow pad, it may help.


        • #5
          shibby good point my toe is tilted to the side you can tell it was broke. i just went about life as normal but softly as possable. pain dosnt bother me as much as others at least i dont think so.


          • #6
            In the Marines, they use to tell us that Pain was weakness leaving the body. I disagree in some cases. It is better than it was a few days ago. I'm walking better. I wear super thin socks and a pair of doc martins. I am walking better. No pain meds last night & I did okay. Thanks for the input.



            • #7
              ouch man. I thought i did about 2months ago in the gym when i 45 pound plate fell on my foot from about 2 feet. I just heard a boom, and i tripped ont he equipment. Friends were like are u ok man, i was like being macho and shit but played it off. The suckie thing was that it was leg day, so i tried to proceed and couldnt anymore.

              I sat down for a while to cool it off, the thing was purple as hell. i WAS freaking out big time, iced it and rested it. Was here home and after 3 days the pain and swelling went away. Got a huge scare.

