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Neighborhood Associations...

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  • Neighborhood Associations...

    Is anyone part of one?

    I am trying to get one started and need some input. I am tired of seeing the entrance of the neighborhood being maintained by myself and a small handfull of neighbors, we need a new sign that doesn't block the view of oncoming traffic and I am tired of my next door neighbor only cutting his grass once a week (when it clearly needs it more than that - well, if he killed his weeds then he could probably get away with only cutting his yard once a week)....

  • #2
    homeowner associations are stupid unless you live next to people like you do. they do have their good points but mostly they suck. i pay 85 bucks a month so a bunch of fags can tell me my pool is ok or you fence is not like the rest of the shitty fences in the neighbor hood. i have a realy nice back yard and wanted to put up a rod iron gate on my side entrance ( a nice one) they said no it dosnt match the rest of them. but yet the fences we have are already falling apart. but i do agree with them makin people keep their yard decent. good luck if they didnt sighn a contract when the moved in you wont be able to inforce anything.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ROCKETW19
      if they didnt sighn a contract when the moved in you wont be able to inforce anything.
      I live in a homeowners association, were pretty rural and none of the houses match but there are other things that are dealt with. Mainly a few acres of space that belongs to all of the homeowners. Big pain in the ass if you ask me. It sucks but youre not going to get other people to take care of their yards of they dont want to. If one of my neighbors said our lawn needed to be mowed more than once a week I would tell him to shove a lawnmower up his ass. On the other hand, our yard/lawn/trees are kept in very good condition. The only thing I can think of is if he was violating some city statute pertaining to fir or something but it doesnt sound like it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rado
        I have my own association:DIt's called strippers anonymous:rofl:

        I don't need hurley knocking on my door:rofl:
        LMAO :laughnew:


        • #5
          Originally posted by rado
          I do belong to one though; it's really stupid if you ask me. If I said the name of it, you guys would know where I live:D Fuck that, I don't need hurley knocking on my door:rofl:
          Is this it? lol

          Fog dont you have a management company or something to force some rules?


          • #6
            If they hadn't signed anything prior to moving in, their participation would be optional. It's tough to get something started unless it's included on the paperwork that's signed when the buy the property and structures. I've had some negative experiences with homeowners associations, but understand their purposes. One where I used to live required papers and approval for any alterations, they had a limited palet of colors that could be used to paint ones house or trim, fences were limited and had to be approved in even minimal form, etc. If you have a town/city council you may wish to inquire with them as to your options, and research into if there are already any limitations or statutes in the books regarding such.

