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Ok single guys, so how do I do this again?

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  • Ok single guys, so how do I do this again?

    Striking up conversations with a female who is a stranger that is. I just realized that I have had a mere month of being single in the past 5 years. Now I did pretty well in that month, but it was at college. This meant two things. First of all, I was drunk. Second of all, I already knew the girls i hooked up with ahead of time. So basically, the last time I had to go up to a girl I didnt know and strike up a conversation, I was 17.

    My problem isnt being shy or anything. It just now that I'm single, all of the sudden I become aware of all the shit coming out of my mouth, and I start thinking. This stiffens me up and I'm just not myself. Alcohol is the only thing that seems to help me loosen up. My goal is to make a good confident impression without alcohol. Let the advice flow.

  • #2
    I have two ways. If it is during the day, and your not out at a bar, I'll be direct. I'll catch a girl walking towards me a I like, and just as they are about to walk by my, lightly touch their arm. "excuse me, I just saw you walking by, and would kick myself all day if i didn't stop to tell you that you are beautiful. Hi my name is..." Yes it sounds gay, but it works when you sound sincere.

    If i'm out somewhere, I simply say to girls, "hey, i need your honest opinion on something..." make up the rest as you go. They love giving their opinions


    • #3
      YOU DON'T CARE....... Thats the key.

      Theres a million girls out there and many of them want you but if this one doesn't you can just move on. I know exactly what you're talking about, including the alcohol part, but your goal should be to act like you already have a girl. You will get to the point that you need to make a move but for the most part you just want to have fun and relax and be yourself. Easier said than done but thats the goal.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ROCKILLER View Post
        YOU DON'T CARE....... Thats the key.

        Theres a million girls out there and many of them want you but if this one doesn't you can just move on. I know exactly what you're talking about, including the alcohol part, but your goal should be to act like you already have a girl. You will get to the point that you need to make a move but for the most part you just want to have fun and relax and be yourself. Easier said than done but thats the goal.
        I agree. That's why people always say it seems girls want them when they are taken. One being a lot of girls want what they can't have. But most of all if you seem "safe" talk to, as in not trying to just use them or move to fast into something, they will be more open and relaxed with you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by alwaysgrowing View Post
          I have two ways. If it is during the day, and your not out at a bar, I'll be direct. I'll catch a girl walking towards me a I like, and just as they are about to walk by my, lightly touch their arm. "excuse me, I just saw you walking by, and would kick myself all day if i didn't stop to tell you that you are beautiful. Hi my name is..." Yes it sounds gay, but it works when you sound sincere.

          If i'm out somewhere, I simply say to girls, "hey, i need your honest opinion on something..." make up the rest as you go. They love giving their opinions
          I'll definately have to work up some bigger nuts before I try that first one. The opinion thing sounds good. Any example questions to ask? Knowing my dumb drunk ass, I'll probably say something like, "I need your opinion, do my shoes match my belt?" or some shit.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ROCKILLER View Post
            YOU DON'T CARE....... Thats the key.

            Theres a million girls out there and many of them want you but if this one doesn't you can just move on. I know exactly what you're talking about, including the alcohol part, but your goal should be to act like you already have a girl. You will get to the point that you need to make a move but for the most part you just want to have fun and relax and be yourself. Easier said than done but thats the goal.
            Originally posted by Shibby View Post
            I agree. That's why people always say it seems girls want them when they are taken. One being a lot of girls want what they can't have. But most of all if you seem "safe" talk to, as in not trying to just use them or move to fast into something, they will be more open and relaxed with you.
            Hell yeah, I'm actually good as hell at talkin to girls when I don't really care or I'm attatched. Maybe I should start off banging one of the girls I work with for a little confidence boost! :rofl:


            • #7
              Originally posted by The_Grinder View Post
              Hell yeah, I'm actually good as hell at talkin to girls when I don't really care or I'm attatched. Maybe I should start off banging one of the girls I work with for a little confidence boost! :rofl:
              Been there, done that, its a good idea if you're not too attached to your job. My situation worked out fine but it could easily have gone very bad.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ROCKILLER View Post
                Been there, done that, its a good idea if you're not too attached to your job. My situation worked out fine but it could easily have gone very bad.
                Nah im just kidding. Most of the girls I currently work with are 17 or so.


                • #9
                  why in such a hurry so soon bro, have a break


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by redback View Post
                    why in such a hurry so soon bro, have a break


                    • #11
                      i'm not looking for another relationship. i'm kinda thinking about taking the alwaysgrowing approach to life for a bit....


                      • #12
                        "Don't put the pussy on a pedastal."

                        ~40 Year Old Virgin


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by redback View Post
                          why in such a hurry so soon bro, have a break
                          I know what he means. When I went through the same thing I just wanted to get laid and have someone on the side just to be there. Not the relationship thing though. When you've been with one person so long it's hard to just go to nothing.

                          But i'd like some ideas too cause the women i've been meeting are asshats.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by blm View Post
                            "Don't put the pussy on a pedastal."

                            ~40 Year Old Virgin
                            When they said that I almost died. That movie is so great.


                            • #15
                              I am not single but, I would say stop looking. I always find what I want when I stop looking

