Like a golden magical bowl that you eat creamed corn from? And the magic is that the creamed corn never runs out - kind of like that story from the bible, where Moses was walking around his flock of people, encouraging them to farm and make their own sustenance, but they were all lazy as hell, and they demanded some creamed corn. Now Moses was no farmer - but he knew the arid wasteland they were in, with the lush palm trees, hidden springs and streams, could never support corn fields. So because Moses was so wise, he climbed Mount Vesuvius, and called upon God to deliver unto him a vessel with never ending creamed corn. Now God was busy punished infidels back then, so the first couple of attempts, he gave Moses a boat, and then an arc. Moses got a good laugh out of that though - God's always such a goofball. Anyway, finally Moses brought down from the Mount, the golden bowl of unending creamed corn - but he also brought down a lot of ash and lava. He was able to part the lava and ash - because he had that parting thing going on - but the lazy slobs below had no chance. And Moses ate the creamed corn, and wish he had a biscuit, or even some corn bread - but then he laughed because he was insane. And while he laughed the cream corn sloshed around in the bowl, and Moses spilled some on him robe thing - which really pissered him off good. He was always such a priss.
And so the tale of the golden bowl was born. Or made. Whatever.
And so the tale of the golden bowl was born. Or made. Whatever.