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Nothing like spending the weekend locked up

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  • Nothing like spending the weekend locked up

    So my kids stayed the night with my parents Saturday, I went to a Christmas party. After the party went to the bar with a couple friends. I get a call that my wife was at this other bar with some guy. Now, I know we are splitting up and I talk to a couple girls but you know I was pissed. Mainly because it was this guy that she talked to like 10 years ago when we split up for a few months. So I go over to that bar and walk in and she was there with her brother his wife and that guy. I walk up and say "What the fuck is this?" The guy gets up and goes to the other side of the bar. So she says that she didnt know he was gonna be there.(bullshit) So anyways her brother buys me a drink and I hang out for awhile. They were going to another bar and they asked if I wanted to go, I wanted to look like I trusted her so I said "NO, go have fun!" So 2am comes and her sister in law calls me and says they are on the way home and come to the house if I didnt believe them. So I do but I wait down the street. My wife leaves and I follow her she goes in the complete oppisite direction from her house. So, she went to that guys house I pulled up right behind her. So the next thing I know Im sitting in this little ass jail cell for the next 36 hours. I seen a human being when they dropped food off. It sucked so bad. I had no idea what time it was or what was going on. I couldnt make a phone call because I had a domestic charge because I "moved" her to get to him. So noone knew where I was or anything. Almost went crazy in that room. I cant imagine how guys do years in that type of shit.

    So I have a domestic violence on her, assult on him and a not allowing a person to report a crime because I took her cell phone. Which is bullshit there were houses all around that have phones and the police sure seem to get called quick enough to pick me up like 15 minutes later.

  • #2
    wow. the charges against you were a little iffy in my opinion, but they will always side with the female, sorry, but it's true. and i definitely thought you got a phonecall regardless of what you were charged with.

    as for the situation in its entirety, maybe it's just me but it seems as though most of the people involved instigated the whole thing.


    • #3
      That phone charge is bullshit. I feel like they were targeting you. It sucks man, I am real sorry.


      • #4
        Yeah everyone is telling me they set me up because the divorce coming up. But I dont see them being that brave to eff with me. Well, either way the jail part sucked but the rest kinda felt good...


        • #5
          Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
          Yeah everyone is telling me they set me up because the divorce coming up. But I dont see them being that brave to eff with me. Well, either way the jail part sucked but the rest kinda felt good...
          Its possible. I hope you nailed that fucker good, beat you relieved a shit load of stress :)


          • #6
            That sucks. She can try to drop the charges but in most states the State will pick up the charges. Get a lawyer because also in most states if ya have a Domestic charge you cant own a Firearm.
            If she doesnt show for court they may continue the case a few times and may even go through with the case w/o her present. Thats when your Lawyer steps in if he cant get it dismissed and and everything is "hearsay" and the case gets thrown out.
            I know this cause I had a similar thing happen and spent 3 days in there and it was Hell. I dont see how anyone could actually do real time.
            I never touched her. The cops asked if I hit her and she said no. Then she lied and said I pushed her and I got a domestic charge. I beat it though as i explained above.
            Good luck and keep us posted.



            • #7
              you deserved it. you were an idiot...

              you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

              gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.


              • #8
                Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                you deserved it. you were an idiot...

                you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

                gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.
                Wow harsh but I agree you have to move on bro!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                  you deserved it. you were an idiot...

                  you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

                  gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.

                  Very true. What's done is done Bouncer. We all hope he learned from this.


                  • #10
                    just trying to point out how stupid his actions were. by the way he typed it out he didnt really seem like he saw anything wrong with what he did. didnt mean to be harsh or whatever. just saying "hey bro, get out of your funk".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                      you deserved it. you were an idiot...

                      you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

                      gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.
                      Not harsh at all. B you hit the nail on the head. They knew he would snap so they called him and look what happened. What he did was not smart at all.


                      • #12
                        Yeah well she has been out for only 3 weeks. 12 years together its kinda hard to just drop everything in a couple weeks. Its easier said than done. But I see your points but like I said easier said than done.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                          Yeah well she has been out for only 3 weeks. 12 years together its kinda hard to just drop everything in a couple weeks. Its easier said than done. But I see your points but like I said easier said than done.
                          been a lot longer then 3 weeks that you guys have been "together" so to speak. been over for a long time right? 3 weeks is simply when she moved out.

                          who was exactly that called you and told you your wife was out with someone else? who was this "friend" that went out of his way to start trouble knowing you guys are separated? sounds like the kind of guy that sits back and enjoys other people fighting..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post

                            who was exactly that called you and told you your wife was out with someone else? who was this "friend" that went out of his way to start trouble knowing you guys are separated? sounds like the kind of guy that sits back and enjoys other people fighting..
                            He said it was his sister-in-law


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dna9488 View Post
                              He said it was his sister-in-law
                              haha, so his separated wifes sister called. what a fucken mess. clearly just wanted to see some trouble and she got it.

