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    a really good fucking guy caught a bid today over less shit then i got hit with .. it was his first fucking offense !!!

    his peace of shit ex wife set the kid up while they were going through a custody battle over the one person he lives his life for and thats his beautiful daughter .. he had custody for a fucking reason now that fucking bitch will end up with her !!!

    he is a great kid doesn't bother anyone ,, just wants to be best dad he can be and loves competing in strongman . he has no record except for the gear he got hit with ... local pd way over did it on so called street value --

    he starts his bid in feb -- at least he gets to spend the holidays with his daughter .. i will go visit him while he is locked down ... a year without his daughter is going to destroy him .... they are trying to plead for lighter sentence in the mean time .. problem is he lives in a very strict area that in the end made an example out of someone that didn't deserve it ..

  • #2
    Fed time or state?


    • #3
      Originally posted by dago View Post
      Fed time or state?
      state -- he was better off getting hit by the feds probably would have got probation


      • #4
        Idk man I gotta homie doin 134 months fed time now in U.S. Penitentary in cali and he is having a hard time. Not so much the inmates just he said they can't watch R rated movies, have Cd players or any of that shit. They took all the free weights outta the state joints here in Ky but as far as I know they still gottem in feds. I never seen anyone get paper outta of fed time not saying it don't happen just never seen it. If its his first offense he should make parole his first time up if he keeps his nose clean in there. Here they are kicking them out first time up if its not a violent case


        • #5
          He only got a year? Shit he lucky if thats the case bro, he'd get 5 here


          • #6
            A year isnt to bad thats only 6 months her in cali not sure how your state works.
            I hear ya on the kid thing not sure I could handel that ever since I had this lil girl jail realy scares me.
            hopefully hes in and out real quick and back to his kid.


            • #7
              dam that sucks
              i think its really fucked up if your rich and you have a great lawyer the outcome could be drastically differnet. a guy i know got in some legal trouble pretty basic shit used public defendant cuz he was broke. they absolutely through the book at him 5 yrs i couldnt believe it noody could. same for even a speeding ticket. if you got connections htat shit goes away.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dago View Post
                He only got a year? Shit he lucky if thats the case bro, he'd get 5 here
                yes they wanted 18 months now have dropped it to 9 months -- i was looking at 27 months fed time for - importation , manufacturing and distribution of anabolics ended up with 2 years probation and just got my pistols back ..

                he lives in litchfield ct --- they made an example out of him .. he is a great guy .. he has lost everything over this and now a convicted felon for gear wtf


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rado
                  Every county has different shit bro...I know some counties will throw the book at you for something another county will give you a slap on the rist bro...
                  agreed -- he is in one of the worst counties when it comes to things like this .. hooking up with him later .. just a real good guy


                  • #10
                    The world hates big guys, if your nice you get labelled a wimp for your size and if you assert yourself someone calls you a bully. Haters


                    • #11
                      was he selling scott? even if it was only to friends.

                      the combination of the wife ratting him out and selling would make sense.

                      if he wasnt selling at all then something isnt right.


                      • #12
                        Does bid mean jailtime in us speak?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                          Does bid mean jailtime in us speak?
                          i think it means a trip to disney land.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                            was he selling scott? even if it was only to friends.

                            the combination of the wife ratting him out and selling would make sense.

                            if he wasnt selling at all then something isnt right.
                            yes B , he did get caught with sales


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                              Does bid mean jailtime in us speak?
                              yes it does bro

