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help and advice needed please

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  • help and advice needed please

    Hi I'm new to all of this so really would appreciate some help and advice
    First of all could anyone tell me how to put a picture up on my profile and also I have recently been placed on tablets and have to take them and they have made me gain 2 stone I have tried loads of diets and exercise but am finding it very hard to loose weight my friend suggested helios would be a good idea has anybody used it isit any good what are the side effects or any suggestions for weight loss would be much appreciated xxx

  • #2
    It all starts with diet bro. What is your current diet like?


    • #3
      I'm a girl lol I'm eating loads of veg a few carbs fish n meat but I don't seem to be able to shift the weight that's why my friend told me about helios but I don't want to take it if its not any good and if it has bad side affects xx


      • #4
        HELIOS- injectable fat burner
        Produced by Generic Supplements, 50ml vial.
        Each ml contains 4mg Yohimbine hcl and 40mcg Clenbuterol hcl

        If that it very dangerious. that shit could mess u up bad or possibly kill you (unlikely). I would try a different approach first.

        Do you workout?


        • #5
          Yea I go to the gym well the medication that I have been placed on slows your metabolism down and also makes you put weight on and I have gone from 7 and a half stone to 10 stone now and I have desperately trying to loose weight I have tried everything and I don't know what else to do so I thought I might try helios out because apparently you loose the weight quickly but I was also told about these tablets called t5s and they fasten your metabolism so they might be a good idea too but I have no idea so really need help lol xx


          • #6
            so basically you're messing around with thyroid medication without a doctors consent. Not a good idea. Diet and cardio will shed the weight off quickly if you do it right.


            • #7
              How about clen, ece stack, hgh etc? Why you stuck on dangerous shit like Helios?


              • #8
                If you do start off very slowly maybe 1/10 of the recommended dosage. then up in gradually.

                Thermogenics - Research Chemicals
                I would go with one compound at a time T3, CLEN, or Albuterol. I never used clen im not too sure its safe. Id wait for more replys


                • #9
                  No my doctor put me on special tablets as I have borderline personality disorder and one of the main side effects is weight gain but I have to take them to stabilise my mood I haven't taken helios my friend suggested it to me but I wanted to find out about it first before I took but it doesn't seem like a good idea to take it what is clen and ece stack I have never heard of them xxx


                  • #10
                    I have leaned up a lot since my last cycle by lowering my carb/calorie intake and doing cardio for about 20 minutes before I eat in the morning then have my shake and oatmeal after. Just keeping count of calories/carbs and cardio to shed fat for me..good luck


                    • #11
                      You're on prescription meds for personality disorder and you want to play around with dangerous drug cocktails? How do I put this.... are you freakin' nuts?

                      Why don't you post up your height, weight, age, daily diet (calories and fat/protein/carb split) and what you do to work out every day?


                      • #12
                        Do a search for "eca stack"

                        Combine that with a good diet and cardio and weight will not be an issue.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                          You're on prescription meds for personality disorder and you want to play around with dangerous drug cocktails? How do I put this.... are you freakin' nuts?

                          Why don't you post up your height, weight, age, daily diet (calories and fat/protein/carb split) and what you do to work out every day?
                          exactly what i was thinking.


                          • #14
                            Hahah I'm not mad I didn't realise that helios was that bad for you I just went by what my friend says well I was 7 and a half stone but I am now 10 stone 11 I have toast for breakfast. With honey on n then tuna sandwiches for lunch and then spaghetti bolognase or fish with noodles or fish with noodles or potatoes xx

