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Spanish question - Rado, Colossus, anyone?

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  • Spanish question - Rado, Colossus, anyone?

    Hey guys, I have a question about Spanish pronunciation.

    Is the ending "llo" prounced as "yo" or "jo?"

    For example, I have always prounced it as a "yo," similar to the pronunciation of tortiYa for tortilla.

    However, I was watching a TV program and they were referring to a town in Patagonia that was spelled Carallo or something like that and they consistently pronounced it Carajo.

    Any guidance? Is this a difference between Mexican Spanish vs. South American Spanish or something like that?

  • #2
    Depends if its mexican, spaniard, columbian, rican, etc...speaking.


    • #3
      Ask them how to make refried beans. :rofl:


      • #4
        After reading some more on the web, I learned that it is regional with Argentina, Uruguay etc. using the "j" sound.


        • #5
          All you need to know is the Mexicans are the superior race among all other latin countrys...and that I hate argentinian/spaniard accents pronoucning 's' like 'th' and like you said with 'j' sound.


          • #6
            Tortijo don't sound right. Lol


            • #7
              Im not black...

              and I have to disagree id say the difference is like with any other languagess with different dialects. Its all about the origin of who is speaking. Or where they were raised etc.

              The entire mexican style of speaking spanish is not all slang . You think they teaching slang in mexican schools? Haha sure there is a great variety of slang words used in mexico but the same could be said for england. Doesn't mean that they only speak slang and that what their voacabulary consists of but that they just love to use slang haha.

              Even with me I think im pretty fluent in the spanish language but I just can't seem to keep up with the slang. But when it comes to the proper use of the language id say im pretty good.

              With that said.



              • #8
                No offense taken bro. Im just saying I have lots of family in mexico young and old the younger ones came up speaking slang and the older ones have proper spanish. The difference between mexican spanish and spaniard spanish is the dialect like I said before I believe they call it castellano but I can't be sure.

                Its the same as here. Slang is spoken mostly buy the less educated or those raised in certain areas of poverty. That's how I see it. Im not a linguist so im just speaking on what I believe imo. But who really knows im not that educated on the subject.

                In closing I have this to say... Latin power!

                That is my closing statement haha


                • #9
                  Collossus is right on the money. Rados arrogance and racism gets in the way of the facts. He thinks mexicans are somehow inferior to ricans when in fact ricans are in in many ways worse; typically lazier and socially obnoxious.


                  • #10
                    I work with a lot of Latino people and speak spanish. Like Colossus says its the dialect and where you are from how far down in to mexico you go like southern mexico on down into guatemamla and honduras and our famous typical tex-mex broken english and spanish here in the states. Mexicans use a lot of slang around here and the latino population is getting larger everyday. Latina chicks are hot:thumup:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rado
                      ....My Spanish is proper to "T"...

                      Bullshit, not even your fucking english is proper to a "T".

