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wtf is Genezas deal?

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  • wtf is Genezas deal?

    Its been over six months since my order and still hav not received it. 3 of my close friends as well. Anyone have any info? Otherfhen " its on its way"

  • #2
    never heard of them?


    • #3
      ? dunno

      I have ordered from them 30 plus times and longest wait was 3 weeks and now........... 6 mths. I emal them and they reply everytme soooo........I'm just frusterated. Time for a new supplier. If anyone has "advice" please mssage me. Thx


      • #4
        get fucked!!!!!

        Like its no goddam secret that everyone on this fuckin site hasn't done it before. Who are you kidding asshole???? And yes I was hopeing that someone could be decent enough to send me "a fellow bodybuilder" in the right direction. as YOU.......! Stated there are many shady sources. So fuck you buddy and your one million post! Cause your such a badass. Are you even a lifter???? With all these posts I think you might just be some lil punk who reads a shit ton of mags and has never lifted a day in his life, just seems that way cause it looks like you spend a ton of time here!

        Fuckin tool!

        Regards to u prick


        • #5
          Damn Rado chill bro no need for the rage.

          dtowntony. at this bord we do not discuss sources as that brings unwanted attention from LE. we like to discuss everything but sources or where to get. ya we all get it like you said its no secret but not off this board. stick around and get to know people someone will help you down the road I am sure. As of right now no one knows you so they are not gonna give up their source if they do it is probably a scamm. good luck on your order but I think its not coming if it has been 6 months. stick around and Bs for awhile


          • #6
            Rado thinks he's a mod :rofl:


            • #7
              "changing lives one choke at a time" nice shirt, how many dicks did you choke on today brah? :rofl::rofl:


              • #8
                Originally posted by dtowntony View Post
                Like its no goddam secret that everyone on this fuckin site hasn't done it before. Who are you kidding asshole???? And yes I was hopeing that someone could be decent enough to send me "a fellow bodybuilder" in the right direction. as YOU.......! Stated there are many shady sources. So fuck you buddy and your one million post! Cause your such a badass. Are you even a lifter???? With all these posts I think you might just be some lil punk who reads a shit ton of mags and has never lifted a day in his life, just seems that way cause it looks like you spend a ton of time here!

                Fuckin tool!

                Regards to u prick
                Get the fuck outta here


                • #9
                  i got some stuff to sell. items include rado's balls and bouncer's manhood. hit me up dude.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mofo View Post
                    i got some stuff to sell. items include rado's balls and bouncer's manhood. hit me up dude.

                    How much for that tongue?


                    • #11
                      I just need to rent it, not buy it.


                      • #12
                        What other bodyparts does she rent


                        • #13
                          rado, stop chasing new people away, even if the question is dumb we all started somewhere.


                          • #14
                            i get it but new people dont know you or your personality. just calm down a bit with new people


                            • #15
                              new to the forum. you know exactly what i am saying. i bark you fucken listen. now sit down and stfu. :D

