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Joe Paterno stunned by firing in Penn State scandal

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  • Joe Paterno stunned by firing in Penn State scandal

    Paterno stunned by firing in Penn State scandal - CBS News

    "Paterno had come under increasing criticism — including from within the community known as Happy Valley — for not doing more to stop Sandusky, who has been charged with molesting eight boys over 15 years. Some of the assaults took place at the Penn State football complex, including a 2002 incident witnessed by then-graduate assistant and current assistant coach Mike McQueary.

    McQueary went to Paterno and reported seeing Sandusky assaulting a young boy in the Penn State showers. Paterno notified the athletic director, Tim Curley, and a vice president, Gary Schultz, who in turn notified Spanier. Curley and Schultz have been charged with failing to report the incident to authorities, and Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly earlier this week refused to rule out charges against Spanier.

    Paterno is not a target of the criminal investigation, but the state police commissioner called his failure to contact police himself a lapse in "moral responsibility."

    Paterno said in his statement earlier Wednesday that he was "absolutely devastated" by the abuse case.

    "This is a tragedy," Paterno said. "It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more."

  • #2
    He's stunned at being fired? I'm stunned he isn't part of the criminal investigation.


    • #3
      Fucking sick people.

      A 28 year old man can witness the raping of a child without mauling the fucking sicko? Does not compute to me. I don't care if he was a family friend that you have known your entire life, or that it might damage "the program". You see that fucking nasty, degrading, vile act and you don't go insane?

      I would be calling the cops on him and myself for the beating I would give that piece of shit.

      Fuck some Joe, fuck PSU, fuck the many people that knew of these acts and allowed that sicko to continue to be involved directly with children. Fuck the entire university system where football is above academics and morals, fuck those idiot college students that feel wronged by these firings. I would think many more should be out the door.

