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Im gonna go puke now...

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  • Im gonna go puke now...

    Its a discrace for me to see this person we have setting in the position of President saying this and approving it. I do NOT respect this idiot and feel we dont have a president running our country right now. And have the SEC DEF step right up and say that crap with a straight face. How will all other armies in the world look at our military force now... we will be a laughing stock in their eyes and be known as the Armed Forces full of FAGS... Just that alone is determintal to the well being of our military. It takes us down a notch and makes us look week .

    This POS has to go before he totally destroys our country!

  • #2
    If I am not mistaken, most other armies in the world already their citizens to serve in their armed forces regardless of sexual orientation.


    • #3
      LoL the south

      How is the diet and training?

      Hormones still low?
      Last edited by Bouncer; 06-28-12, 01:15 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
        LoL the south
        Keep laughing bouncer... you see the shit you have to go thru in the state your in now to get a gun?..thats whats these liberal asses are doing... taking it away one little step at a time.. before you know it.. your fucked because folks have the //its ok it dont effect me attiude..

        I guess Im old fashioned and dont think the masses should turn their moral compass for a few.

        One other thing... how would you feel stuck with someone you didnt trust to have your back in a real world situation.I cant trust someone that I never know how or what hes thinking behind my back.

        If someone wants to live that life style thats their choice, and I can accept that it's their life..But it dont mean the majority of our country has to change our values to accept whats "not normal" and have ours lives affected by it. Then the few run the masses..


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
          If I am not mistaken, most other armies in the world already their citizens to serve in their armed forces regardless of sexual orientation.

          Really? China, Russia any middle east or SW aisa army? Please...And what exactly does that have to do with the way our military works? 20 years of serving and the only ones I ever delt with like that were the fucking Dutch, those shitbags couldnt fight their way out of the sleeping bag to get chow. They are a shit bag unionized army that smokes dope out on the tank ranges. I seen it with my own eyes.usless long haired girl looking weak bastards playing army...


          • #6
            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
            LoL the south

            How is the diet and training?

            Hormones still low?
            Diet is pretty good, im a bit over 200 now hitting the gym and not missing a beat bro. I actually went to the new big gym on post yesterday to try it out. Im thinking thr drive and fighting the traffic may be worth it. Thats a bad ass gym!!:thumup:


            • #7
              Originally posted by lipripper View Post
              Really? China, Russia any middle east or SW aisa army? Please....
              I'm talking about Western armies.

              I've never served in the armed forces, so you may well have a perspective I don't, but looking from the outside, the hatred of gays in the military seems a bit irrational. What are we afraid of, that they will fall for someone on the other side? Or that they may make a pass at someone else in their platoon? I can't help wonder if this isn't similar to the concerns people expressed about integrated regiments in WW II.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                I'm talking about Western armies.

                I've never served in the armed forces, so you may well have a perspective I don't, but looking from the outside, the hatred of gays in the military seems a bit irrational. What are we afraid of, that they will fall for someone on the other side? Or that they may make a pass at someone else in their platoon? I can't help wonder if this isn't similar to the concerns people expressed about integrated regiments in WW II.
                Do you want to put yourself in that situation? Its easy looking from the outside..but when your on the inside perspectives change bro. Will you depend on someone that you dont trust?


                • #9
                  Having a "pride event" is what makes no sense to me.

                  Hey Lip, would you trust a woman in combat to have your back?


                  • #10
                    There are, always have been, and always will be gays in the military - whether we "recognize" them or not. Why are you making it an issue of trust? You think because they're gay they aren't trustworthy? They are taking the same pledge to do the same thing for this country, as every straight person that joins.

                    I'm not saying the Pentagon should necessarily be concerned with promoting "gay pride" but it seems you think if gay people are "allowed" that there will just be swinging wieners all around and the military will no longer be doing their job.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lipripper View Post
                      Do you want to put yourself in that situation? Its easy looking from the outside..but when your on the inside perspectives change bro. Will you depend on someone that you dont trust?
                      Agree that I don't have your perspective, but I don't get the part of not trusting someone just because they are gay. That's what sounds illogical to me. As long as they can cover a sector and be strong enough to carry me out if I am immobilized, how does it matter? I guess you have a philosophical issue with the lifestyle which is fine. I have a philosophical issue with religion, but I wouldn't care if the guy next to me is Christian or Buddhist.


                      • #12
                        So all these years you had don't ask don't tell policy and you worked with gays in the army without any problem or they joined without admitting that they gay but now they can come out and say they are gay and that is going to change the way you look at them? Wow that is the most narrow minded thought ever. That is no different that say you've been living happily next to a Muslim family with out knowing them that they are Muslim but once you find out they are you try to run them out of the neighborhood even though you might have shared a dinner table, have kids played together or even took care each other's kids while there was a need. But once you found out who they are you say you can't trust those devils fuck them all. Is that how it suppose to work? How many gay soldiers do you think took a bullet for their country?


                        • #13
                          Great points made by scrum, fb, and beast. I agree.


                          • #14
                            If a guy is gay but you dont know it you have a different way of taking him..hes normal..

                            If a guy is openly gay you will question his thoughts. If you dont..your not being honest..

                            Now I am forced to live and sleep shower with someone I know is gay. thats fucked up. Do you want to live like that?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                              I'm talking about Western armies.

                              I've never served in the armed forces, so you may well have a perspective I don't, but looking from the outside, the hatred of gays in the military seems a bit irrational. What are we afraid of, that they will fall for someone on the other side? Or that they may make a pass at someone else in their platoon? I can't help wonder if this isn't similar to the concerns people expressed about integrated regiments in WW II.
                              western armies arent our potential enemies and it still makes us look weaker.

