Its a discrace for me to see this person we have setting in the position of President saying this and approving it. I do NOT respect this idiot and feel we dont have a president running our country right now. And have the SEC DEF step right up and say that crap with a straight face. How will all other armies in the world look at our military force now... we will be a laughing stock in their eyes and be known as the Armed Forces full of FAGS... Just that alone is determintal to the well being of our military. It takes us down a notch and makes us look week .
This POS has to go before he totally destroys our country!
Its a discrace for me to see this person we have setting in the position of President saying this and approving it. I do NOT respect this idiot and feel we dont have a president running our country right now. And have the SEC DEF step right up and say that crap with a straight face. How will all other armies in the world look at our military force now... we will be a laughing stock in their eyes and be known as the Armed Forces full of FAGS... Just that alone is determintal to the well being of our military. It takes us down a notch and makes us look week .
This POS has to go before he totally destroys our country!