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Official Olympics 2012 Thread... London Calling

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  • #31
    By ending I meant the first part before the athletes walk around.


    • #32
      Haven't got to that yet... the 100 foot Voldemort just came out.. :rofl:


      • #33
        Ahahahahaha.... Mr. Bean... :rofl: :rofl:


        • #34
          You're right... the digital age went downhill quick... :rofl: pretty much a metaphor for what happened to the UK lol...


          • #35
            How many times can I listen to fucken Paul McCartney sing the same fucken songs before is loses all effect. Guy is about 45 fucken years past his worth. Lol.

            All in all there were times the show shined especially the industrial age part but I was a bit ehh for the other parts. Not blown away by the fire cauldron either, was expecting more.

            Queen could smile once in a fucken blue moon, bitter old filt


            • #36
              It was the best opening I ever saw from any country so far, bring on the games!


              • #37
                I liked the initial stuff a lot, thought it showcased English culture and literature very well. Would have liked to have seen a bit more of Dickens and Conan Doyle and Tolkien, although the Harry Potter stuff was good. Didn't care too much for the "modern" stuff - I thought it was pretty stupid. Nice all in all though, got to admit. Music was shit though - really, is that the best England could offer? Where was Elton John, or did I miss him? How about some classical stuff - lots of English contributors there.


                • #38
                  Paul mccartney is a weak diluted mainstream example of brit music, mainly tailored as he was for an american market. I guess they thought he'd be more worldly paletable. Its easy to pick the odd bad point but the ceremony was a pleasant suprise to me


                  • #39
                    When the cycle racing starts round boxhill, thats literally next door to me, beautiful you will see


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                      Paul mccartney is a weak diluted mainstream example of brit music, mainly tailored as he was for an american market. I guess they thought he'd be more worldly paletable. Its easy to pick the odd bad point but the ceremony was a pleasant suprise to me
                      Agreed... pretty good overall. Just didn't like the "digital age" stuff - thought it was pretty silly. I really liked the old stuff.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                        It was the best opening I ever saw from any country so far
                        Not even close, your views are blurred by patriotism. You would say it was amazing if the queen had come out and taken a shit in the toilet and said let the shitty games begin!

                        The whole queen jumping out of the plain thing was horribly done with bad timing. Pink dress jumps out of plain 5 seconds later queen is walking down stairs. Really? They couldn't put any more effort in to make it look semi real?

                        For me, the only part of the show that had real emotional effect and pulled me in with the visuals and music was the industrial age. When the scene where world war 1 was going down and that slow whistle music came on I was fucken pumped! Good shit that was. Sadly that was the pinnacle of the show for me and I was let down the rest of the way.


                        • #42
                          Glad you enjoyed it bro, that's the spirit


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                            Agreed... pretty good overall. Just didn't like the "digital age" stuff - thought it was pretty silly. I really liked the old stuff.
                            the digital age could have been so much better. if they would have shown its rise with dramatics and showcased its importance it could have been amazing. instead they focus on fucking twitter like IM's flashing all over the place and a fucken cell phone. Then at the very end have Tim berners lee sitting in front of a clearly blank screen like. Really? Thats all you have to say about the digital age? The importance of computers, satellites, etc.. and they give me this shit???? GTFO right now, fucken horrible.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                              Glad you enjoyed it bro, that's the spirit
                              tell it like it is without blinders on. patriotism is for dipshits and hicks.


                              • #45
                                You ok b? Seem a bit down

