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Bouncers new diet plan

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  • Bouncers new diet plan

    heard the big guys gonna change it up a bit..:thumb:

    Taco Bell Experiments With Protein-Packed Menu

  • #2
    I have to admit, I have a weakness for their dorito taco's. Makes my mouth water just thinking about them.


    • #3
      Stay the course!! Lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
        I have to admit, I have a weakness for their dorito taco's. Makes my mouth water just thinking about them.
        I hate taco bell but I have been tempted to try that new cool ranch taco.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blm View Post

          I hate taco bell but I have been tempted to try that new cool ranch taco.
          Me too.

          Last time I had Taco hell was when the first dorito taco was introduced. (auto correct made it hell, instead of bell) strange.


          • #6
            Originally posted by blm View Post
            I hate taco bell but I have been tempted to try that new cool ranch taco.

            I always get 3 cool ranch and 3 dorito when I go. Think I will get some this Saturday. Going to be a cheapo cheat day. No beer either, fuck.

            The plan.

            Meal 1: 4 Sausage Mcmuffins, Large coffee.

            Pre workout drink

            Meal 2: 6 Tacos, large diet soda, couple scoops Mint/Choc ice cream.

            Meal 3: Gino's East Pepperoni Deep dish, large diet soda.

            Meal 4: Leftovers from the pizza (its massive).

            I can already taste it! :drool:


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                I always get 3 cool ranch and 3 dorito when I go. Think I will get some this Saturday. Going to be a cheapo cheat day. No beer either, fuck.

                The plan.

                Meal 1: 4 Sausage Mcmuffins, Large coffee.

                Pre workout drink

                Meal 2: 6 Tacos, large diet soda, couple scoops Mint/Choc ice cream.

                Meal 3: Gino's East Pepperoni Deep dish, large diet soda.

                Meal 4: Leftovers from the pizza (its massive).

                I can already taste it! :drool:
                So you don't just have a cheat meal. You make it a day?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by paulie walnuts View Post
                  So you don't just have a cheat meal. You make it a day?
                  When I am really trying to diet down and drop fat it's just a meal. Right now don't have much fat to lose and I am trying to slowly bulk without putting on the fat so I have upped the cals on Sat. Still training/cardio 6 days per week and so far a whole cheat day has not had a negative effect on fat gain.

                  It's funny how much bigger I look after all those cals compared to the end of the week when I have just been eating chicken and oats.


                  • #10
                    Sounds great B but no way can I do a cheat day like that. I would be on the toilet all day long. lol It does make me want to go to Taco Bell for my next cheat meal. Haven't had their food in years.


                    • #11
                      I can't do a whole day either...I feel like absolute shit after, not worth it.


                      • #12
                        I have a hard time eating anything off my normal diet anymore. Last year I went to the docs and they scoped me to see if I had any issues with my stomach. I get a lot of bloating and feel very uncomfortable when eating anything remotely unhealthy. Even eating some fruits and breads make me feel this way. If I stay on my diet I have no issues. When I do have a real cheat meal I almost dread it because I feel so awful afterwards. This just started happening about 2 years ago. But I have been eating almost the same diet now for 10 years. It's like my body rejects anything except chicken, rice, eggs, ect...


                        • #13
                          Eating taco bellwould be like licking a dogs ass..that shit is nasty!!!


                          • #14
                            Doesn't bother me as long as I'm not putting on any fat. I look crazy good the morning after a cheat day. Anything over a day though and I spill over.

