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Acne Question

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  • Acne Question

    I have really bad acne on my face and back (i have my face under control theres basicaly none), but on my back there is tons and its really annoying and i wont take my shirt off at all anymore cause i dont want people to accuse me of using steroids. My question is what do you guys take to get the acne under control

    right now im using

    mynocyclin and tazorac (topical cream)

    i was talking to this kid that juices in the hs and he said that hes using acutaine SP

    would that be the best option for me to talk to my demotologist about? or are there better things out, again im not using steroids the acne is probably from puberty


  • #2
    minocyclin or whatever never did anything for me when i had those problems. Now i just use mega-doses of B5 to control my acne, works great for me, but not for everyone.


    • #3
      I am taking some sulfer shit and differen(sp), I think I want some accutane(sp) but I heard it is harsh on your system.


      • #4
        the minocyclin isnt doing much for me ether and i think im gonna go with accutane, go to talk to my doctor


        • #5
          accutane is expensive... its extremely hard on the body.. especially in the winter, your lips will crack and bleed all day long... it is also harder to treat back acne , so the normal face dosage (which is what i took and made me crack and bleed like crazy) will not cut it.

          i swab my back with rubbing alcohol from time to time, it helps dry things out.. but i still get them.


          • #6
            swimming and tanning helps as well


            • #7
              Drink more water...that helps my skin the most.

