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    Muslims murder non-Muslims confident that if they die, they'll get access to "paradise" and 72 virgins to rape in the hereafter. Muslim clerics make even more extravagant promises, claiming that dead killers will receive all sorts of added benefits. Muslims who have killed (other Muslims) or committed adultery will still get an express ticket to paradise if they die while killing non-Muslims.

    As long as he doesn't come into contact with a pig.

    There's a long history of people fighting Muslim Jihadis by wrapping their Jihadis in pigskin or shooting them with lard bullets. US soldiers did it not all that long ago in the Philippines. While the belief that pork on a corpse can stop someone from going to heaven is nonsense... so is the underlying belief that killing non-Muslims atones for all sins. And if it deters Muslims, it's a plus. And if it doesn't, it still shows them that people aren't as helpless in the face of their racist violence as their governments often appear to be.

    This latest video takes place in Israel where, after a series of bloody terrorist attacks, a dead terrorist had pork dumped on his face by a local.

    Israeli Puts Pork on Dead Terrorist's Body, Denying Him His Virgins | Frontpage Mag

  • #2


    • #3
      It's funny how when Israel builds settlements in Palestinian land and the people there retaliate in the only way they can, they are terrorists.


      • #4
        I think regardless of who is right to own the land they meet the dictionary definition of terrorists. Besides, if that is justification then Native Americans can start killing innocent Americans amongst pretty much every current countries ancient ansectors doing the same. No use crying over spilt milk. That isnt the first time the map has changed and it wont be the last. But this isn't about israel and Palestine per say, more about the absurdity of pork and virgins in the so called afterlife.


        • #5
          A stupid idea, countered by a sophomoric response, more suited for the junior high playground. This is what passes for dialog and discourse on one of the most significant problems of our time. When you have a Prime Minister who says that the two state solution, something that the entire world has agreed upon, will not happen on his watch, then there is nothing else for anyone to say.


          • #6
            Scrum do you realize you agree with Mr I on something? :D


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
              A stupid idea, countered by a sophomoric response, more suited for the junior high playground. This is what passes for dialog and discourse on one of the most significant problems of our time. When you have a Prime Minister who says that the two state solution, something that the entire world has agreed upon, will not happen on his watch, then there is nothing else for anyone to say.
              A typical neo-progressive argument to dominate cultural and political conversation by marginalizing and insulting legitimate arguments without actually addressing the argument. If you can't discuss a topic without insults right off the bat then maybe you need to look further into your own moral compass before judging others.


              • #8
                Stop getting you undies in a bunch. I am talking about the sophomoric response of the Israeli settler, not you. Chill out.


                • #9
                  Chuck you been melting down a lot lately. You sure you can handle the AAS little fella?


                  • #10
                    Calm as a cucumber over here. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I honestly don't care in the least what they are doing over there. Middle eastern affairs and American intervention or opinions only make the matters worse.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                      Scrum do you realize you agree with Mr I on something? :D

                      My position has not changed over years, but I must admit I have progressively become more and more disgusted and disillusioned by the Israeli position and actions.

                      Israel is not an honest player in this. They have steadfastly refused to abide by any of the UN resolutions, and their settlement building is downright illegal. And Netanyahu's position that the 2-state solution, something that everyone in the world wants, is not going to happen on his watch. If that's not an outright belligerent position to take, thumbing his nose at the whole world, I don't know what is.

                      The reason Israel thinks it can get away with this is because it knows that the US has got its back, no matter what outrageous thing it does. Needless to say, this is VERY bad for the US. We have lost all our credibility as an honest broker of Middle East peace. Make no mistake, it is the single biggest reason for why everybody in the Middle East hates us. And we all know what this results in.

                      What the US needs to do is to give Israel an ultimatum - either agree to and implement the two state solution as per UN resolutions leading back to 1947, or we cut off all aid. That, right there, will get the Israelis back to the table, and will improve our standing in the region immeasurably.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by chuckz28 View Post
                        I honestly don't care in the least what they are doing over there. Middle eastern affairs and American intervention or opinions only make the matters worse.
                        Unfortunately, we should care, although I wish we didn't have to. Our government is involved in the Middle East in precisely the wrong ways. It props up totalitarian regimes that don't care two bits about the welfare of their people while invading an occupying a sovereign country, all the while giving carte blanche support to a country that, in the face of overwhelming worldwide opinion, has subjugated and disenfranchised a people for decades.

                        If the situation continues, it is our country that will suffer. Even if we don't worry about the humanitarian aspect, purely from selfish reasons, we should take great interest in what our government is doing in our name.


                        • #13
                          Soon as the oil is gone the middle East will be left to rot. Shame but true.


                          • #14
                            I like how after pork was slapped on his face, it was then put on his wang :rofl: as to make certain no virgins could be "porked"lol


                            • #15
                              Most orthodox Jews despise the zionist movement.

                              I have a big problem with Isreal and zionist. No problem with Jews per se

