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Christmas list

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  • Christmas list

    i want nothing, I honestly don't need anything. But I'm curious to see others wants or gifts they plan on giving. I'm getting her the iPad pro, her mini is going to shits. I also want to get her a nice purse/bag.

    I bought my son a 80cc go kart, not too expensive either but a nice one. Not sure if I want to wait for him to have it; thinking about sending to him next week. He knows fat man don't exist so who cares:thumb:I just want hm to use it a lot before the winter.

    What's everyone else getting, wanting, etc....

  • #2
    A gun. Seriously. The more I think about it the more I feel like the world is getting crazier and people getting more desperate. I might be stronger than the average guy but compared to a gun I'm weak. I never want to use it but I'd sure like to have it if someone broke into my house carrying a gun.

    Merry Christmas. :D


    • #3
      Me too bro. As i mentioned in another thread, im getting an ar15 soon. Gonna be my christmas present/tax return present combined. Just waiting on workers comp to pay me the $2500 in wages i lost from when i missed work bc of my finger...once that goes thru its go time :agreed:


      • #4
        Looks like I'll be the only guy on this shit site without a gun. :)


        • #5
          Scrum answer the question honestly though. A man breaks into your house with a gun. You are sitting there with your family and you've called the police but they won't be there for 5 minutes. Do you or do you not wish you had a gun in that moment?


          • #6
            Bouncer if I lived in Cali, I would own a glock semi


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
              Scrum answer the question honestly though. A man breaks into your house with a gun. You are sitting there with your family and you've called the police but they won't be there for 5 minutes. Do you or do you not wish you had a gun in that moment?
              That's a hypothetical situation that I see as a highly improbable event for me. Not implying that I live in some hifaluting neighborhood and all you guys who carry are in some sketchy areas or anything, but the likelihood of an armed robbery or home invasion is so remote for me that the hassle and potential danger of a firearm, not to mention the time/effort/money for proper training to store and use it far outweigh any potential benefits. If I was fearing for my life every day, that may be a different story, but for my situation, preparing for such an unlikely event seems pointless.


              • #8
                ^you didn't answer the question scrum


                • #9
                  The simple answer is yes, I would wish I had a gun. A shotgun. But unless it's personal a robber isn't picking a house with a family at home and two big dogs. What could a robber get from most any house that they couldn't get from a much lower risk house.


                  • #10
                    Motherfuckers this isn't a god dam NRA get together. Now keep posting about your Xmas list and fuck off with the gun shit:D

                    But Bouncer, hope you get one brother. :)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                      Looks like I'll be the only guy on this shit site without a gun. :)
                      Actually that makes it two of us.

                      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                      Scrum answer the question honestly though. A man breaks into your house with a gun. You are sitting there with your family and you've called the police but they won't be there for 5 minutes. Do you or do you not wish you had a gun in that moment?
                      Unless you are sitting on your couch with your gun in your lap having a break in while your gun is in your nightstand is not gonna do you damn good.

                      And that exactly what happened to a friend of mine about five years ago. He's got his fancy house in Beverly Hills broken in early evening while his whole family was home. They even pistol whipped him. He owns several guns one in an easy to get to location and a few in a gun safe, but having them in a different room when someone points a gun at you will do you zero good.


                      • #12
                        Yea that's always a possibility but it's also a possibility that you hear someone breaking in and have 10 seconds to get your gun.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                          Yea that's always a possibility but it's also a possibility that you hear someone breaking in and have 10 seconds to get your gun.
                          Lol 10 seconds? You are talking about your tiny apartment which no one cares to break in and I'm talking about a 5000 square feet house that in 10 seconds you won't even be leaving the living room. All you'll be doing is getting shot in the ass. :rofl:


                          • #14
                            Don't be goofy bro. The gun could be kept anywhere in the house. I'm acknowledging that there is a possibility that you wouldn't have time to get your gun in a home invasion situation. But there is also the possibility that you do have time depending on the details. Regardless, if the situation were to happen, I'd rather have at least a fighting chance.


                            • #15
                              Don't be a goof? Why don't you do a little practice run? And let's see how far you'll be getting from your couch when someone kicks your door down and points a gun on your face. I want you to run to your bedroom get your gun, and hope the guy with the gun is not following you. Run back to the living room and start shooting at the guys who are pointing a gun at your family.

                              You watch to many action movies brah. :grin:

