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SOOO....What to do about my Ex????

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  • SOOO....What to do about my Ex????

    ok so i've got big problems here

    my ex and i break up. thats all fine and dandy, we decide we should be friends and it works well for a while (about 8 months now)

    well now i'm constantly catching shit from her and its absolutely driving me up a wall

    shes crying to me on the phone right now actually

    "you dont care about anything when it has to do with you and me"

    "you stay out with your friends later than when your with me"

    "you take me for granted"

    "any time we've hung out its been bc i asked"

    "you never call me i always call you"

    "i'm not a priority in your life"

    the list goes on and on and on. i dont even know what to say to her anymore, i just sit back and absorb her bitching. this whole time i can only think what the hell is gonna happen when i start dating someone else

    what to do what to do :(

  • #2
    Well your supposed to be frineds. If she cant deal with it then just cut her off totally.


    • #3
      It sounds like she wants to be more than friends. It usually never works with Ex's "just being friends". Usually the feelings are still there and she still may want you as more than a friend. So if you don't want to put up with it anymore I think you should tell her that you can't be friends.


      • #4
        i think shes content with being friends... she just expects me to always be with her and shit i think still, which to me isnt just friends...... uggggggh i dunno


        • #5
          Originally posted by mdd
          i think shes content with being friends... she just expects me to always be with her and shit i think still, which to me isnt just friends...... uggggggh i dunno
          ummm, yea, that aint just friends....i think its too hard to be friends with an ex, b/c rarely are breakups of the ppl still has feelings and its too hard to suppress em.


          • #6
            cut her off!


            • #7
              Thats called not letting go, if she still expects that much from you, she probably thinks that you are still together...are either of you dating anyone else, and are you guys JUST friends, or do you still fool around?...sometimes its hard to seperate the emotion from the fun


              • #8
                You have to remeber when in a relationship you become very close emotionaly not on a relationship level. Things have been shared with each other that isn't normaly shared with others. Sounds like she may have feelings for you still but not necessaraly strong enough to wanna make something out of it. But with ex's, to be able to be just friends and good ones at that, you have to spend months(depending on the couple as to how many) apart not even talking to get final closure. After each others peace has been made with the outcome of the relationship, then only at that time are you free to just be friends.


                • #9
                  Re: SOOO....What to do about my Ex????

                  Originally posted by mdd
                  i can only think what the hell is gonna happen when i start dating someone else

                  what to do what to do :(

                  thats the big problem bro, "what the hell is gonna happen when i start dating someone else". If u do decide to date someone else brother, beware of your ex bro, cause shes gonna be mad crazy for u. Ive seen it alot with friends even with my cousins where the person is atill there begging for u to come back. She might even go as far as confronting the girl you will date in telling her to leve u alone and stuff like that. Seriously bro, I dont know what to tell u about your ex and all, as in attitude, things like that. If shes over possesive and greedy she will be there bugging u i guess. Talk to her man, make her understand about the situation


                  • #10
                    she is acting like a girlfriend. turn your back and walk


                    • #11
                      You need to explain to her (and make her understand) that you two are friends only. The relationship is long since over. Whether she realizes that or not is not the issue. However, she still acts like you two are a couple. Maybe she has a different idea of friendship than you do. Just explain to her that her behavior is not acceptable, and that you two need to take things down a few notches.


                      • #12
                        Step back for a while and reassess. tell her why you are doing it. Be firm, don't bend. You made the call to split, now you must make the call to get away for a while.

