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Just checking in to see if everyone is alive/well.

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  • Just checking in to see if everyone is alive/well.

    Hello to all, hoping you are doing ok while riding out this craziness. I've been trying to keep sane being housebound for the most part...lockdown is in effect here in Canada too. I got my last gym workout in last Monday, then they shut all the gyms. I am fortunate that my neighbor has a very well equipped home gym (dumbbells up to 90s, cage, cable unit, battle ropes, good treadmill for sprints, med balls, ect), so keeping up with workouts with some improvisation. We are well stocked on toilet paper, lysol wipes, vinyl gloves, hand sanitizer, and a couple of N95 I feel fortunate in that regard at least. Today's early morning trip to the grocery store (have to be there as soon as they open anymore to have any chance at getting what you want) yielded everything on the list except for chicken and potatoes, and I had to settle for frozen blueberries as none of the stores in town have fresh ones right now. Crazy times...hope you are all fairing as well as I am, and for God's sake be the ultimate germophobe for the next few weeks: gloves whenever out, remembering to take them off the 'safe' way (youtube it!) before getting into your vehicle after leaving the store. Remember to wipe down your vehicle after every outing regardless (door handles inside and out, steering wheel, shifter, signal arm, any buttons you touched, ect), and do your front door handles too. Stay safe everyone...let's all come through this healthy.

  • #2
    Originally posted by hitmansb View Post
    Hello to all, hoping you are doing ok while riding out this craziness. I've been trying to keep sane being housebound for the most part...lockdown is in effect here in Canada too. I got my last gym workout in last Monday, then they shut all the gyms. I am fortunate that my neighbor has a very well equipped home gym (dumbbells up to 90s, cage, cable unit, battle ropes, good treadmill for sprints, med balls, ect), so keeping up with workouts with some improvisation. We are well stocked on toilet paper, lysol wipes, vinyl gloves, hand sanitizer, and a couple of N95 I feel fortunate in that regard at least. Today's early morning trip to the grocery store (have to be there as soon as they open anymore to have any chance at getting what you want) yielded everything on the list except for chicken and potatoes, and I had to settle for frozen blueberries as none of the stores in town have fresh ones right now. Crazy times...hope you are all fairing as well as I am, and for God's sake be the ultimate germophobe for the next few weeks: gloves whenever out, remembering to take them off the 'safe' way (youtube it!) before getting into your vehicle after leaving the store. Remember to wipe down your vehicle after every outing regardless (door handles inside and out, steering wheel, shifter, signal arm, any buttons you touched, ect), and do your front door handles too. Stay safe everyone...let's all come through this healthy.
    fuck the grocery store right now bro, that's the major flaw in all this. we are all told to remain locked down but then we all crowd into the store and breath all over each other. now more than ever is the time to get grocery home delivery. i placed an order the other day from Cotsco's home delivery service for the first time ever. it's due to be delivered today so i will let you know how it goes.

    we got a nice little gym area here at my apartment complex but because everyone's gym is closed there are a lot more people there than before so i'm limiting how much I go down to once a week full body workout.

    this thing will change the world I think. one of those 9/11 type moments where things changed forever. lets hope it doesn't lead to the second great depression.


    • #3
      And don't forget - anytime you go outside, all your clothes go straight into the washer when you get back.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
        And don't forget - anytime you go outside, all your clothes go straight into the washer when you get back.
        you mean like if you go to the park and don't touch anything or sit down anywhere? seems a little overkill no? hand washing I get.


        • #5
          No, when you go to places where you may come close to others, or when you sit down somewhere (like work).

