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  • Liposuction

    Has anyone had it done and is it safe and effective if done right? How long is recovery time?

  • #2

    I haven't had it done but a real close friend of mine did. As per her doctor recovery time for working out was about 4 months so not to get overheated. The swelling took a really long time to go away. I would only say to do this as a last resort. If you still have alot of weight to lose Liposuction won't do too much. Some people are under the misconception that they will drop a tremondous amount of weight which is not the truth. Your weight may actually stay the same. Her results were ok but I think they would have been alot better had she taken the time to diet right and get about another 20 lbs dropped the right way.

    Another thing to think about is once you remove these fat cells your diet must again change to suit your body composition. If you contiue eating the same way as before you may not gain back the fat in that particular area but be certain that it will go some where else. So if anything you will prolly have to drop your cals a bit to compensate.

    As for the safety of Lipo. well Nothing is a sure shot. I believe if you find a good Doctor that you trust and who is Qualified and has perfomed this Surgery many many times it can be safe. Given he or she knows there limits as to how much fat can saftely be removed. Just do your research and talk to some of the patients gets some one on one with the Doctor before you do anything.

    Best of Luck



    • #3
      Thank you darlin!! I am already fairly lean from dieting and execising very regularly!! Its just that I've always had this little damn stubborn pooch right on my lower abs that will not go away no matter how strict my diet is or how much cardio I do. Believe me, I've tried everything. If I diet too strict or do to much cardio, I start losing muscle. It sucks!! The rest of my body is very lean, to the point of being vascular. You can see the veins in my arms and legs. Even my chest and upper abs are tight. But when you start to get down around the waist, it gets loose. I hate that shit. Am I a good candidate for lipo, since I've exhausted every possibility to get rid of this?


      • #4
        I believe you would be a good candidate. This is the same problem that I have. I got my body fat down low last summer and still had this little area that is stubborn. I have looked at many pictures and the ones that had less to lose had an overall better finish product. Good luck and keep us updated.



        • #5
          Thanks sweety!!! ;)


          • #6
            Is it true that the reason the fat cells come back somewhere else is becuase your body has a predetermined # of fat cells. When you get leaner it's the cells shirnking not disappearing all together.
            So when they are sucked out your body makes more to compensate.


            • #7
              Once fat cells are lipoed out they never come back.

              You have a pre-determined number of fat cells and that's it, you take them out, they cannot come back.

              If a person excercises and eats healthy they will maintain new body figure, if they eat badly ( ie, continusly over BMR ) the fat cells that are left will just grow bigger, fat cells just suck up whatever fat comes along, and they can grow and grow and grow, ie, that's how we get humans of gargantuan proportions.

              So, as an example if you got love handles and stomach lipoed, and then decided to eat your way through all the great buffets in Vegas for a year, you'd likely grow back some love handles and stomach, yet you might get more distribution of fat in say your thighs, neck area back etc, evenly distributed.

              Cory, you sound like the A number one poster boy candidate for lipo. You'd be a surgeons dream, they love to help folks achieve goals and then maintain them for life long pleasure.

              good lcuk


              • #8
                Originally posted by trip
                Cory, you sound like the A number one poster boy candidate for lipo. You'd be a surgeons dream, they love to help folks achieve goals and then maintain them for life long pleasure.
                Awesome...any idea of the cost to have it done professionally and with great results and very little recovery time?


                • #9
                  Average cost is $5,000 , this is what the good surgeons get.
                  One of the things too look for is to have a real doctor be the anetheseolgists.

                  You can get lipo done for as little as 3,500, yet, you will be getting a surgeon who is performing surgeries by the numbers, who will book you into the cheapest operating room, get the cheapest anethesologist, etc. etc.

                  Look for referrals, and ask for them and talk too them.
                  Also, if you have a friend in insurance business there's a national data bank on doctors that rates them if they've had problems etc. with insurance claims, botched jobs etc.

                  Recovery for healthy individuals who work out alot, is almost minimal, you will feel slight pain for 2-3 days, be tender for a week and then good to go. Only drawback is you must wear a garment for 3-6 weeks to help shape the area, six weeks is better than 3 to be on safe side.

                  Good Luck


                  • #10
                    Thank you so much trip...this has really helped me to make a decision...BTW, have you had it done or do you know someone close who's done it? :)


                    • #11
                      I've know 3 or 4 folks who've had it done.

                      Two like you who to this day have not added an ounce of fat back on and are still lean and mean, and two who didn't work out eat properly who were smaller for awhile and then added back on due too bad habits.

                      Good Luck


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by trip
                        I've know 3 or 4 folks who've had it done.

                        Two like you who to this day have not added an ounce of fat back on and are still lean and mean, and two who didn't work out eat properly who were smaller for awhile and then added back on due too bad habits.

                        Good Luck
                        For the two who are lean, does it look natural or can you tell they had something done?


                        • #13
                          you can buy a whole lotta gear for $5,000 :-\


                          • #14

                            You cannot tell a thing, 100% natural look. The cannella's, which are the tubes they insert in the body only make a tiny mark which heals quite naturally and you can't tell a thing.

                            No one you know would ever guess unless you told, you can just say , "ahhh, finally dialed in the nutrition and training" no one would ever guess.

                            For someone with your build, going from I think pictures you've posted, you're only talking about pulling 2 lbs or so of fat, now with those cells comes alot of water etc. which has great amount of volume. Thus taking out 2 lbs of fat, could reduce your waist size 3-4 inches once the skin tightens up. And like said, natural and won't come back.

                            Best thing to do is surf the net, there has to boards on this stuff that might help you more.

                            Good Luck


                            • #15
                              Wow, thanks trip....I am definatley going to look into some reputable surgeons in my area....I just can't see going through my entire life working my ass off and being lean everywhere and still having that little piece of fuckin stuborn ass fat hanging around to keep me from looking my best. I always thought it didn't work that well from what I have heard from some people.

